
  • 【物】normal mode
  1. 分子在高振动态上的局域模振动局域模、简正模的李代数表示

    Local Mode Vibrations of Molecules in Highly Excited Vibrational States Lie Algebraic Represenation of Local and Normal Modes

  2. 考虑到重力扰动借助简正模分析对贝纳德问题的动力学进行求解。

    In consideration of gravity disturbance the kinetic equations of Be'nard problem are solved by means of normal mode analysis .

  3. 讨论了非刚体地球受迫章动奥波策项与简正模表达式中倾斜模的关系。

    The relation between the Tilt Over Mode in the computation of forced nutations and the Oppolzer terms used to express the nutation terms of different axes is investigated in this paper .