
  • 网络Simple assumptions;simple hypothesis;Assume simplicity
  1. 介绍了简单假设与复杂假设两种Beyes序贯验后加权检验方法(SPOT),并对基于复杂假设的SPOT方法进行了修正,以更为准确地控制实际检验的风险。

    Two methods of sequential posterior odd test ( SPOT ) that based on simple hypothesis and complex hypothesis are introduced respectively . The complex hypothesis is revised in order to control the real test risk more accurately .

  2. 提出利用序贯验后加权检验(SequentialPosteriorOddTest,简称SPOT)方法对R&M指标进行验证,在两类风险已知的条件下,给出基于简单假设、复杂假设和截尾情况下的SPOT方法。

    Present to use Sequential Posterior Odd Test , which can be abbreviated SPOT , to verify reliability and maintainability index , and give the methods respectively of based on simple hypothesis , complicated hypothesis and censoring SPOT method under the ground of known two class risks .

  3. 你可以简单假设你的“view”档案将会处理任何你要显示出来的资料变数。

    You can simply assume that your " view file " will be handed variables that contain whatever information you need to display .

  4. 本文中表现的关联实现了基于简单假设的从UML类到表的转换&以及UML一对一和一对多关联到键值限制的转换。

    The relations presented in this article implement a transformation of UML classes to tables and UML one-to-one and one-to-many associations to key constraints based on simplifying assumptions .

  5. 本文讨论了方差已知的正态分布均值的简单假设检验问题下,2-SPRT方法中参数的选择问题,提出了参数选择的新方法&通过求解方程来选择参数。

    In this paper , in symmetric normal case , a new method is used to select parameters of 2-SPRT by solving equation .

  6. 在初值问题的一个简单假设下,得到在索伯列夫空间(HS,s≥3)中方程解的的全局存在性,主要研究了当γ→0时的极限情况。

    Under the assumption of a simple condition on the initial data , the higher Sobolev space H ~ S , s ≥ 3 is required to obtain the global existence for the solution of the equation . The issue of the limit as γ tends to zero is investigated .

  7. 用该方法讨论了简单假设及复杂假设的几种情况,并给出了数值例子。

    Research hypothesis We discuss several situations of simple hypothesis and complex ones .

  8. 在我们所处的这个时代,旧秩序的那些简单假设常常受到现实的挑战。

    We are in an age that habitually defies the easy assumptions of the old order .

  9. 可是,有很多情况都不符合这一简单假设。

    However , there 's a number of ways that this simple assumption can be violated .

  10. 尤其是在拟合优度检验中,用变换方法可使复合假设变为简单假设。

    Specially , it can simplify a complicated hypothesis into simple one in testing goodness of fit .

  11. 现有文献对板厚变薄规律的理论分析均采取了忽略或是简单假设的方法回避对问题的解决。

    Theoretical analysis of thinning in existing literatures avoided to resolve the problem through ignoring or simple hypothesis .

  12. 在简单假设的前提下给出隐马氏模型在文字识别应用中的一种简化算法和相应的参数估计。

    An abridged algorithm and parameter estimation of Hidden Markov models applied in character recognition were presented under simple hypothesis .

  13. 但今天我还会指出,在很多地方,这些信都简单假设了,早期基督教的不同阶段。

    As I 'll show today there are a lot of ways of seeing that these letters simply presuppose a different stage in early Christianity .

  14. 然而,在BS模型中我们做了一些简单的假设,如常量波动率、常量利率,而这不符合金融市场的实际情况。

    However , due to some simple assumptions of the BS model such as constant volatility and constant interest rates , which do not satisfy the practice in the financial markets .

  15. 编译器简单地假设在任何时候numproc2都等于1,并且默认地为该转移生成代码。

    The compiler simply assumes that the value of num_proc2 will be equal to1 every time , and generates the code for that branch by default .

  16. 然而,这些过于简单的假设对于PCS网络未必适用,因为多媒体业务的移动模型和数据速率彼此区别,另外,即使是属于同一业务类型的新呼叫和切换呼叫的信道占用时间也不一定相同。

    Yet , these oversimplified assumptions may not be appropriate for PCS networks , as mobility patterns and data rates of multimedia services differ from each other , and even new calls and handoff calls belonging to the same traffic type may have different average channel holding times .

  17. 不过此处我要向大家展示的脚本并没有像distutils脚本一样做这么复杂的事情:它只是简单地假设系统中已经安装了一个“普通的”最新版本的Python。

    The quick moral here is that what I am about to show you does not do as much as the complex distutils script : it simply assumes that a " normal " - looking and recent version of Python is installed .

  18. 此外,在刻画组合资产间联合分布时,本文运用Copula-t函数来估计,而不是简单的假设资产间服从正态分布,这也有助于提高模型的精度。

    In addition , Copula-t was used to estimate the joint distribution of portfolios in this paper , rather than simply assuming portfolios subjected to normal distribution , which also helps to improve the accuracy of the model .

  19. 可以简单地假设一个附加体积来进行计算。

    Normally this may be calculated simply be assuming additive volumes .

  20. 这些都需要对各方面进行权衡,而不是简单地假设团队合作越多结果就越好。

    These need to be weighed against each other , instead of simply assuming that the more teamwork the better .

  21. 这是一个简单的假设,但软件开发人员比其他人更加清楚新计划也会带来新挑战。

    It 's a simple premise , but software developers know better than most that new initiatives also bring new challenges .

  22. 本章对实证会计研究中的总体与样本,数据的收集与变量的选取,使用简单原假设应注意的问题等,都从统计学的角度作了较深入的阐述,其中有些新意。

    Population and sample , data collection and the election of variables and properly understanding of simple hypothesis , etc. are all dealt with in detail .

  23. 一个论理仅仅是一个简单的假设,它可以被重复的加以论证,即使它们非常的微不足道,但有时也会有所作用。

    A theory is simply a hypothesis that can be demonstrated repeatedly , even though it may be so trivial that it is sometimes taken for granted .

  24. 例如,如果构建没有避免一些简单的假设,例如会去掉用陈旧的数据生成的二进制文件,那么前一次构建遗留下来的文件就会引起错误。

    For instance , if your build doesn 't reduce simple assumptions , such as removing generated binaries with stale data , an error could arise from a leftover file from a previous build .

  25. 本文对针状电极在高压放电瞬间产生脉冲声的物理过程作了简单的假设性描述,提出了脉冲声所服从的波动方程。

    A simple assumption is made for the physical process produced acoustic impulse by needle electrode at the moment of high-tension discharge in this paper . The wave equation to describe acoustic impulse is presented .

  26. 然而,为了数学上的简便,很多提出的模型是基于一些不合理或过于简单的假设,这些会大大限制它们的实际应用和可靠性估计及预测精度。

    However , many proposed SRMs are based on some unrealistic or over-simplified assumptions , which to a large extent limits their applicability to real-life situations as well as their reliability estimation or prediction accuracy .

  27. 为了让事情变得更加简单,我们假设PlaceOrder按钮就是要找的测试对象。

    To make things simple , we suppose that the Place Order button is the test object to find .

  28. 不过,在涉及到2D模型中的计算问题时,对模型做出某些简单化的假设是必要的。

    However , it is necessary to simplify assumptions on the model .

  29. 下面,我们来看一个描述的web服务查询的简单用例,假设一个十印电子提交的事务类型和提交类型已指定。

    Let 's consider a simple use case of a web service look-up of a description , given the transaction type code and submission type for a ten-print electronic submission .

  30. 通过一些简单的概率假设,给出Tait平均自由程的新的推导,并讨论了对强度分布的影响。

    Tait mean free path is deduced by making some probability assumptions and discussing their consequent influences to the intensity distribution .