
jiǎn dān míng liǎo
  • simple and clear;put in a nutshell;brief and clear;concise and explicit
简单明了[jiǎn dān míng liǎo]
  1. 介绍一个用VISUALBASIC编写的外压容器设计计算程序,它把烦琐复杂的试差计算变成简单明了的窗口操作程序。

    Here is introduced a computing program drawn up by Visual Basic word to design pressure vessels , which changes the complicated and over laborite pilot calculation into simple and clear window operation .

  2. KX系列中走丝系统所集成的控制柜,采用流行的模块化设计,简单明了。

    KX series integration go wire control system cabinets , the modular design of the popular , simple and clear .

  3. 她的小说颠覆了线性叙事的传统,没有清晰的时间线索,也没有简单明了的结局。

    Her novel subverts the conventions of linear narrative . It has no neat chronology and no tidy denouement .

  4. 这个主意的优点是简单明了。

    The advantage of the idea was its simplicity .

  5. 然而埃及人对以色列的态度很少是简单明了的。

    Yet Egyptian attitudes to Israel are rarely simple .

  6. 你的作文内容很好,但文字不够简单明了。

    The matter in your composition is quite good but the writing is not lucid enough .

  7. 例句教语法的时候要简单明了!

    Keep it simple when teaching1 grammar !

  8. 部署web服务客户机存根很简单明了。

    Deploying the Web Services client stub is simple and straightforward .

  9. 尽管有些烦琐,但对内存中XML文档的操作却是非常简单明了的。

    Although somewhat tedious , the manipulation of the XML document in memory is very straightforward .

  10. 本文利用C语言对聂格伯尔方程进行求解,既提高了计算精度,又能使程序具有更好的通用性,并且程序简单明了,可读性好。

    The paper resolves the Neugebauer equation by the C language . The program improves precision and general - unility .

  11. 系统管理员会喜欢WorkplaceFormsServer提供的简单明了的管理和部署特性。

    System administrators will welcome the straightforward management and deployment features offered by the Workplace Forms Server .

  12. 方法简单明了,适合于CDMA上行链路信道。

    The approach is rather simple , suitable for the CDMA uplink .

  13. API的使用很简单明了。

    Using the API is straightforward .

  14. 从某种意义上讲,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)派大使出席的用意简单明了。

    In one sense , President Barack Obama 's decision to send the ambassador was straightforward .

  15. 多亏了Composer,我获得了一个简单明了的解决方案。

    Thanks to Composer , I have a straightforward and simple solution .

  16. NET组件化的销售预测系统,从而给企业决策者一个有效的、简单明了的预测结果以指导决策。

    NET platform , thus supplying the enterprise 's leader and decision maker with a valid , simple and manifest forecasting result for their decision-making .

  17. 开发GUI界面简单明了的交互方式简化了用户的丌发工作。

    GUI simplifies user 's work .

  18. 该编码法量子位使用效率为50%,且防错和纠错过程简单明了,并有单个逻辑态双轨(dual-rail)技术提供实验基础,因此该方案实现的可能性大。

    The dual rail representation of a logical state provides experimental possibilities , so the scheme is easy to construct and to implement .

  19. 提出了一个用Taylor公式来证明广义Taylor公式的新方法.此方法简单明了。

    This article provides a new and brief proof of the generalized Taylor 's Formula with Taylor 's Formula .

  20. 为了简单明了我已经删掉了此处所有的HTML标记代码;

    I 've cut out all of the HTML markup code here for brevity ; you can see it in the Invoice .

  21. 二是基于WEB的用户界面使参赛人员打开浏览器就可以使用,界面操作简单明了,对计算机硬件资源的要求也大大降低。

    Secondly , the WEB-based user interface allows the competitor use the system just open the browser , the interface is simple to operate , greatly reduce the demands on computer hardware resources .

  22. RSS是一种简单明了的方式使你能保持了解世界卫生组织的最新消息。

    RSS is a straightforward way for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news from WHO .

  23. Perl采用简单明了的语法、数据类型和结构,所以学习相当容易。

    Perl , which uses straightforward syntax , data types and structures , is fairly easy to learn .

  24. 该方法的流程简单明了,一旦数据被解析,代码建立一个类似于XML解析器处理程序方法的字符串表示。

    This method 's flow is straightforward ; once the data is parsed , the code builds up a string representation that 's similar to the approach of the XML parser handler .

  25. 与Z形试验的结果进行比较,表明用脉冲操舵试验法得到的结果优于Z形试验的辩识结果,并且简单明了。

    Through comparisions between results of Z-form test , it is shown that steering test by pulse achieves better results than those by Z-form test .

  26. 您可以使用SpringXML配置在JBI环境内配置服务,这使得需要实例化的Java类简单明了。

    You use Spring XML configuration to configure services inside the JBI environment , which makes it straightforward to specify the Java classes that need to be instantiated .

  27. 标签传播算法(LPA)是一个著名的接近线性时间复杂度的快速非重叠社团发现算法,其算法过程非常简单明了。

    Label propagation algorithm ( LPA ) is a fast community detection algorithm with near linear computational complexity .

  28. 利用X射线衍射图形与晶体结构关系,使用C语言设计程序,不仅能节约时间,而且能够简单明了而又准确地得出结论。

    It utilizes the relation of X-ray diffraction 's figure and crystal structure , then it uses C-Language to design a procedure , it can not only economize the time , but also educe the conclusion briefly and exactly .

  29. 本文后面的小节探索这个库的核心函数,以及这个库如何使用它的强大的选择器和过滤器使DOM遍历更加简单明了。

    Later sections in this article explore the core functions in the library and how it uses its powerful selectors and filters to make DOM traversal easy and straightforward .

  30. 一些编程语言的代码规则或语法的变动可能比较频繁,与它们相比,bash的语法相当简单明了。

    Fairly straightforward syntax in comparison with some programming languages , where depending on the programming language , coding or syntactical changes may be frequent .