
  1. 然后我又坐船前往小小的望安岛(Wang’an),在这儿,我看到废弃的古代聚居地、更多美丽空旷的海滩、以及郁郁葱葱的山坡,山坡上长满了惹人可爱的橙色与黄色“风火轮”树。

    And then on to tiny Wang'an , where I rode past abandoned ancient dwellings , more fabulous , deserted beaches and grassy hillsides carpeted with vivid orange and yellow firewheels .

  2. 我的旅游手册指引我前往望安岛上最知名的景点——位于半山腰玄武岩石上的一个“脚印”,传说这是八仙中的吕洞宾(LuDongbin)蹲此小便留下的。

    My guidebook directed me to the most famous sight on Wang'an , a " footprint " in a piece of basalt halfway up a hill which , legend has it , was formed when Lu Dongbin , one of China 's eight immortals , squatted here to urinate .