
  • 网络Wangmo county
  1. 贵州望谟县晚二迭世藻类及海绵礁与成岩作用

    The diagenesis of algae spongy reef of Late Permian age in Wangmo county , guizhou area

  2. 周一,贵州省望谟县遭遇洪水袭击,许多车辆被冲得东倒西歪。

    Vehicles are swept away by flood in Wangmo County , southwest China ' sGuizhou Province on Monday .

  3. 以望谟县为例,分析在喀斯特石漠化综合防治规划设计中运用参与式方法的一般步骤和方法。

    The paper introduces the general steps and methods of using the participatory approach in the comprehensive control planning design by taking Wangmo county as an example .

  4. 居住在贵州黔西南自治州西南角上的兴义、安龙、册亨、望谟、贞丰等县的布依族属第一土语区。

    Live in southwestern autonomous prefecture in Guizhou province in the southwest corner of Xingyi , Enron , Ceheng , Wangmo , Zhenfeng , County of bouyei in the case of a dialect area .