
wàng yuè
  • full moon;plenilune
望月 [wàng yuè]
  • [full moon] 望日的月相;满月

望月[wàng yuè]
  1. 这个五彩缤纷的印度教节日,在颇勒窭努月(译者注:公历2、3月间)的望月日庆祝,它预示着春天即将到来。

    This colourful festival of Hindus , celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna , heralds the advent of spring .

  2. 每一个月或者更精确些说每29又1/2天有一次有个我们称之为望月的时候。这个时候整个月亮的圆盘看起来很明亮。

    Once a month , or , more exactly , once every 29 1 / 2 days , at the time we call full moon , its whole disc looks bright .

  3. 对滇西地震预报实验场多年来观测的Ar、N2、CO2等断层气体及水氡数据进行了分析,发现与朔望月密切相关的13.415天及27.730天周期。

    Fault product gases , such as Ar , N 2 and CO 2 , and radon , measured for many years in Earthquake Prediction Study Area of West Yunnan , have been analyzed in this paper .

  4. 运河城购物中心发言人望月美和(MiwaMochizuki)表示,过去来这儿购物的中国人通常是有钱人,而今成了中产阶层。

    The Chinese coming here used to be the rich , says Miwa Mochizuki , a spokeswoman for the Canal City mall . Now it is the middle class .

  5. 理论给出在5×108a以前,地球回归年有405d,朔望月有31d,也与古生物学数据相符。

    It is shown that a tropical year was 405 days and a synodic month was 31 days about 5 × 10 8 a ago , which coincide with the paleontological data , and the " Gerstenkorn event " can never occur .

  6. 中国古代历法中之朔望月常数的选择

    Selection of the Constant of Synodic Month in Ancient Chinese Calendars

  7. 望月留给我的只是一个手机号码。

    I just left a cell phone number chimera .

  8. 她叫望月,今天才来的,湖南妹子。

    Her name is a chimera , today 's Hunan province 's younger sister .

  9. 此望月村遗址是巴人部落的最后栖息地。

    Moon-looking village site was the last inhabiting place of tribe of Ba Kingdom .

  10. 结论:中药毒性有朔、望月节律现象的存在。

    Conclusion : The herbal toxicity have the phenomenon of circalunar rhythm in human body .

  11. 望月的人应该是带着笑容的吧,否则怎会引起梦中人的笑容呢?

    Mochizuki who should be smiling in it , otherwise how could evoke dreamer 's smile ?

  12. 还有一张,画着个年青的姑娘,靠在窗前,抬头望月。

    There was one where a young lady was at a window looking up at the moon .

  13. 以回归年和朔望月为基础,推导出阴、阳历日期换算公式。

    Applying tropical year and lunation , the exchange formula of lunar calendar and solar calendar could be derived .

  14. 望月是风月场中的老手,让我领略了什么叫做万种风情。

    The love affair is a chimera market veteran , I got a taste of what types of lifestyles .

  15. 开头的描绘都是为后面作渲染和铺垫,而侧重写望月引起的情思。

    The picture is beginning to make up and behind her , and thanks to the emphasis on writing techniques .

  16. 因此,我在故乡望月,从来不同山联系。

    The moon that I saw in my village when I was young , therefore , was never associated with any mountains .

  17. 月亮朔望月周期在气候变化中的响应&一些动力学探讨及统计研究肝炎发病与朔望月关系初探

    Climatic Responses to Syzygial Variability of the Moon & A Dynamical and Statistical Study RESEARCH ON THE RELATION BETWEEN HEPATITIS INCIDENCE AND SYZYGY

  18. 农历十五、十六时,月亮运行到太阳的正对面,地球位于太阳和月亮之间,这时的月相叫“望月”或“满月”。

    Full moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun .

  19. 各地至今遗留着许多“拜月坛”“拜月亭”“望月楼”的古迹。

    Today we can still find many historic monuments such as " Worshiping-the-moon Altar "" Worshiping-the-moon Pavilion " and " Watching-the-moon Building " .

  20. 目的:通过对中药马钱子、黄连的毒性随朔、望月节律呈周期性波动的观察,以期验证《黄帝内经》月节律理论的客观存在性及科学性,为择时用药提供临床依据。

    Objective : An experiment on the herbal toxicity confirm that the theory of circalunar rhythm in the Yellow Emperor 's Internal Classic is scientific .

  21. 在潮差逐日变化的半个朔望月的周期里,有朔望大潮,它与月相有关。

    In the tidal difference daily variations , there is a period of half lunar month of syzygy spring tides related to the phase of the moon .

  22. 从坡脚土家人的望月、结婚、寿礼、丧葬礼仪中可以看到土家人是通过界定社会成员身份,赋予其社会角色,达到社会认同和社会整合目的的。

    From the etiquette of birth , marriage , birthday and funeral , we can see that Tujia people get the society identity through regarding social members ' status and role .

  23. 《史记·历书》和《汉书·律历志》分别记载了具有同一起算点,但朔望月与回归年平均值不同的两种历。

    There are two kinds of almanac both in Historical Record Almanac and Record Of Han Almanac which have the same start-point but the synodic month and the average of period different .

  24. 每一个月或者更精确些说每29又1/2天有一次有个我们称之为“望月”的时候。这个时候整个月亮的园盘看起来很明亮。

    Once a month , or , more exactly , once every 29 1 / 2 days , at the time we call " full moon , " its whole disc looks bright .

  25. 卞之琳说:“明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦。”望月的人应该是带着笑容的吧,否则怎会引起梦中人的笑容呢?

    Bian Zhilin said : " The Moon decorate your windows , you decorate someone else 's dream . " Mochizuki who should be smiling in it , otherwise how could evoke dreamer 's smile ?

  26. 一轮明月挂在海湾对面的西天上,月下灰暗的一线就是远方的海岸——8月的望月把海潮吸得很低,直到那与人世隔离的海的世界的门槛。

    Across the bay the moon was a luminous disc in the western sky , suspended above the dim line of distant shore - the full August moon , drawing the tide to the low , low levels of the threshold of the alien sea world .