
  1. 通信中的数据解压缩。用一个字节存放整数部分,后面的每个字节存放两位小数。

    Stored with a byte integer part of the back of each byte stored two decimals .

  2. 例如,下面是一个分析千位分隔、最多两位小数、没有指数部分的实数。

    For example , the following is a real number parser policy that parses thousands separated numbers with at most two decimal places and no exponent .

  3. 为了方便进行数据的定量评估,建议降解产物和杂质结果至少保存两位小数。

    To facilitate the quantitative evaluation of the data , it is suggested that degradation product and impurity results be available to at least two decimal places .

  4. 一些SQL语言喜欢称此类型为NUMERIC类型,其它一些SQL语言则引入了MONEY数据类型,MONEY数据类型被定义为小数点右侧带有两位的小数。

    Some SQL dialects prefer to call this type NUMERIC , and others also include a MONEY data type , which is defined as a decimal number with two places to the right of the decimal .

  5. 速,两位整数一位小数的显示方式具有更高的显示精度。

    Speed , two integer a decimal mode has higher precision of the show .