
liǎng xiāng
  • The hatchback;both sides;two parties;wing-rooms on either side of a one-storey house;two wings of a building;wing-rooms on either side of a one story house
两厢 [liǎng xiāng]
  • (1) [two wings of a building;wing-rooms on either side of a one story house]∶正房两边的厢房

  • (2) [both sides; two parties]∶两旁

  • 站立两厢

两厢[liǎng xiāng]
  1. 紧随其后,一款两厢车和SUV车型将面市。

    A hatchback and a SUV will quickly follow .

  2. 今天,戴姆勒-克莱斯勒公司的Mini小型两厢车才是如今风靡的假货,至少有三家不同的中国公司发售了他们自己的型号。

    Today , Daimler Chrysler 's Mini is the du jour counterfeit , with at least three different Chinese firms pushing their own versions .

  3. 已开始从中国向发达国家出口汽车的企业中,唯一一家跨国企业是日本本田汽车(Honda),该公司于去年开始向欧洲出口两厢Jazz轿车。

    The only multinational to begin exporting cars to developed countries from China is Honda , which started shipping the Jazz hatchback to Europe last year .

  4. 只有一家外资公司将中国用作出口基地。一年前,日本本田汽车(Honda)开始从中国广东向欧洲出口Jazz两厢轿车。

    Only one foreign company is using China as an exporting base – Honda began shipping Jazz hatchbacks from Guangdong to Europe just over a year ago .

  5. 市场上层出不穷的两厢、MPV和SUV车型恰恰见证着这一发展。

    The arrival of more advanced car body types in the market – hatchback , MPV and SUV – bear witness of this development .

  6. 此次上海通用汽车推出的是AVEO两厢轿车最新款。

    Shanghai GM is launching the latest models of AVEO hatchback .

  7. 尾的才算是轿车,而有头无尾的不是轿车,没有尾部的两厢车,不能算轿车。

    A car without a rear is not a sedan .

  8. 应用两厢情提高奶牛受胎率的试验

    Experiment of Raising Conception Rate Using " Liangxiangqing " in Dairy cow

  9. 两厢车何时走出尴尬?

    When will the double-box car go out of dilemma ?

  10. 他承认有发生性行为,但坚持是两厢情愿的。

    He acknowledges that sex took place but insists it was consensual .

  11. 汽车平顺性评价研究及其在两厢轿车中的应用

    Research of the Evaluation of Automobile Ride Comfort and Its Application in Hatchback Cars

  12. 两个成年人之间两厢情愿的交易

    than a transaction between two consenting adults .

  13. 我发誓这是两厢情愿的。

    And I swear it was consensual .

  14. 这一声明似乎确认了,被告方将辩称,任何性接触都是建立在两厢情愿基础上的。

    The statement appeared to confirm that the defence would argue any sexual contact was consensual .

  15. 辽宁省山洪灾害区域主要分布在东西两厢、辽东半岛及辽北丘陵区。

    Liaoning Province mountain flood disaster areas are mainly distributed in the northwest , liaodong semi-island and the northern hills .

  16. 在警察断定他和邻居发生的性行为是两厢情愿的之后,他没有受到刑事指控。

    No criminal charges were brought against him after the police decided that the sexual acts he performed with his neighbour were consensual .

  17. 高桥商圈位于雨花区北部,以万家丽路为轴心,辐射两厢。

    Located in the north part of YuhuaDistrict , Gaoqiao Business District takes Wanjiali Road as the axle center to radiate both sides of Wanjiali Road .

  18. 为了变换场景,灯光熄灭了,舞台两厢一阵沉重的辘辘声,在黑暗里,随着一番黑暗的动作,我们知道

    The lights are extinguished , for the scene to be changed with a hollow rumble of wings , with a movement of darkness on darkness ,

  19. 可口可乐收购汇源果汁,是一笔两厢情愿的交易。

    However , an article in the Shanghai Business Daily commented that Coca-Cola 's purchase of Huiyuan was a deal struck of the wills of both sides .

  20. 考虑到公路上行驶汽车的多样性,本文建立了三种汽车的数值模型,分别是两厢轿车,三厢轿车以及集装箱拖车。

    Considering the diversity of automobile on the road , this thesis builds three types of full-scale numerical model of automobile : hatchback , sedan and container trailer .

  21. 一些公司要求那些将要去约会的员工签订”爱情协议“,这样的协议将这种两厢情愿的关系记录下来,为的是警惕预防出现性骚扰指控。

    Some companies require employees who are dating to sign " love contracts ," which document the consensual relationship in an effort to guard against accusations of sexual harassment .

  22. 媒体集中的威胁,不在于集中,而在于媒体集中和版权改变两厢联合所产生的封建制度。

    The danger in media concentration comes not from the concentration , but instead from the feudalism that this concentration , tied to the change in copyright , produces .

  23. 在从蜜蜂经销商那儿往家走的路上,纳尔逊夫妇用旅行车后备箱载了两厢嗡嗡叫的蜜蜂。49岁的作家、教育和行为科学教授纳尔逊太太当时觉得很兴奋。

    On the way home from the bee distributor , with the honeybees buzzing in boxes in the back of their station wagon , Ms. Nelson , a 49-year-old author and professor of education and behavioral science , felt elated .

  24. 面对中国轿车市场如此广阔的发展潜力,一汽大众公司于2003年正式引入由德国大众开发,并在欧洲畅销30年的经典两厢车&高尔夫,进行本地化生产,并于7月15日投放市场。

    Facing a rapidly growing car market , FAW-VW introduced Golf , a classic hatchback cars , that was developed and popular in Europe for 30 years . The car was formally launched to the market on July 15 after production localization .

  25. 我还希望法官能够忽略治安部门和缓刑部门。他们都做出了非常过分的指控,称这是两厢情愿的关系,这次枪击就好象情人之间的吵架。

    And also , that the judge will ignore the sheriff 's department and the probation department , who have made outrageous accusations by saying that the abuse was a relationship and that the shooting was some kind of a lover 's quarrel .