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  • 网络double-pronged attack
  1. 三星(Samsung)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等竞争对手在产品功能上紧紧咬住它不放,从质量和价格两方面则对其业务形成两面夹击。

    Competitors like Samsung and Motorola caught onto its playbook , squeezing its business on quality and price .

  2. 面对跨国物流巨头和民营快递公司的两面夹击,市场份额大幅下滑的邮政EMS开始了成立26年来最大规模的反击。

    Facing transnational and the private express company 's competition , postal service EMS , which the market share largely glided down , starts the most large-scale counter-attack since its establishment for 26 years .

  3. 他们决定撤退,否则就要受两面夹击。

    They decided to retreat lest they would be between two fires .

  4. 七月政权在来自过去和来自未来的两面夹击中挣扎。

    Between the attack of the past and the attack of the future , the establishment of July struggled .

  5. 它的军事意义在于使纳粹德国陷入了盟军两面夹击的困境,加速了德军最后失败。

    Its military meaning lies in the predicament which makes Nazi German to sink into allied troops both sides to attack from both flanks , accelerating Germanic Army to fail finally .

  6. 战斗打了一宿。在南北两面的夹击下,敌人被打败了。

    Because of attacks of two sides , the enemies were defeated at last over one night .