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wěn zhù zhèn jiǎo
  • maintain (or secure) one's position;hold one's ground
  1. 古巴在严峻形势中力求稳住阵脚

    Cuba : Striving to Secure its Position in a Grim Situation

  2. 让我们期待中国国务院新领导人能稳住阵脚吧。

    Let 's hope those new State Council members keep a steady hand on the tiller .

  3. 这些在华盛顿官场上饱经风霜的人,本来是要他们显露职业家的作用和稳住阵脚。

    These men , seasoned in the ways of Washington , were supposed to give a sense of professionalism and solidity .

  4. 如果我们不能维持目前在增进健康方面的动力,稳住阵脚,实现承诺,坚持达到各项目标,就会雪上加霜,情况会进一步恶化。

    If we do not maintain the current momentum for better health , stay the course , keep our promises , and stick to our goals , a bad situation is certain to get worse .

  5. 据研究机构互联网数据中心(IDC)的报告称,尤其是在最近一个季度,全球PC销量遭遇行业史上最大幅度的下滑,联想是其中唯一一家稳住了阵脚的大制造商。

    In the most recent quarter , which saw the worst decline in PC sales in the industry 's history , Lenovo was the only one of the major computer makers to hold its ground , according to research firm IDC .

  6. 萧条时他们稳住了阵脚,把公司拉了回来。

    They were great holding the floor down , repaired the company back .