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  1. 基于GIS的土地利用动态变化与预测&以井陉县威州镇为例

    Prediction of Land Use Variation Change Based on GIS

  2. 井陉县城绿地系统规划

    The planning of the green space system in Jingxing County

  3. 河北井陉方言语音说略

    A brief survey of Jingxing dialect of Hebei Province

  4. 现在每年井陉都要搞一次规模盛大的拉花大赛。

    Now , the large-scale garland contest will be held in Jingjing every year .

  5. 日本枪刺下的井陉煤矿

    The Jingxing coal mine under the Japanese atrocity

  6. 河北井陉东部褶皱&冲断构造特征及其意义

    The Characteristics and Significance of Fold-Thrust Structures in the Eastern part of Jingxing , Hebei

  7. 南坡庄&井陉地区伸展构造与滑覆构造的特征及相关演化模式

    Characteristics and Evolutionary Model of Extending Structures and Gliding Nappe Structures in Nanpozhuang & Jingxing Area

  8. 河北省井陉山区旱作农业综合配套技术示范研究

    The Demonstration Study of Perfection of Comprehensive Technical Package for Rainfed Agriculture in Jingxing Mountain Area of Hebei Province

  9. 本文对河北井陉东部褶皱&冲断构造特征进行了初步总结和讨论,认为阶梯状断面形态不具普遍性;

    This paper sums up tentatively and discusses the features of fold - thrust structures in the eastern part of Jingxing .

  10. 明代,此四处重关连接在一起,在井陉境内的长城达100多千米。

    Ming Dynasty , around the re-linking the customs , Jingxing in the territory of the Great Wall of up to100 kilometers .

  11. 矿区经济转型期土地利用问题及破解途径分析&以石家庄市井陉矿区为例


  12. 地处阜平、赞皇两个变质核杂岩体之间的南坡庄&井陉地区,不但在广大地区发育伸展构造,而且在东方岭地区发育滑覆构造。

    Not only are the extending structures well developed with-in the area , but the gliding nappe structures are found in Dongfangling .

  13. 井陉拉花是河北省三大民间舞种之一,在河北民间舞蹈文化中占有重要地位。

    Jingxing Lahua , one of the three folk dances in Hebei Province , holds an important position in the folk dance culture .

  14. 千佛岩石窟位于河北省井陉县,是省级重点文物保护单位。

    The Qianfeyan ( thousand-Buddha crags ) Grotto , located in Jingxing County of Hebei Province , is the provincial level key cultural relic preservation .

  15. 井陉磷肥厂在南化公司研究院的协助下,应用国产仪表实现了干吸工序的自动调节。

    Jingjing Phosphate Fertilizer Plant has realized the automatic regulation in drying & absorption section using domestic instruments with the help of Research Institute of Nanjing Chemical Industry Company .

  16. 其所采取的方法有:对井陉煤矿采取从德国商人手中购买的方式,由日本人单独控制;

    The following are the major means it employed in the plunder : Firstly , Japan took a complete control of Jingxing Coal Mine by means of purchasing it from a German merchant .

  17. 井陉煤矿是河北省重要煤矿之一,在抗战时期,被日军侵占了8年之久。

    During the anti Japanese war , however , it is occupied by the Japanese invaders for eight years . The coal mine in Jingxing is one of the most important in Hebei Province .

  18. 最后进行了项目的经济效益与社会效益的分析,来论证项目的经济可行性,提出了井陉县镁盐基地建设的战略构想。

    At last , we analyze economic benefit and social benefit of the project to prove the economic feasibility of the project , and we bring forward the strategy of construction of salt base of magnesium .

  19. 由此,针对井陉矿区经济发展过程中存在的问题,我们给出对策建议,使矿区转变经济增长方式,走可持续发展之路。

    So we give the suggestion to resolve those problems appeared at Jingxing mining area . The form of the economic growth in the Mining area must be changed , following the road to sustainable development .

  20. 论文同时分析了现阶段井陉县镁盐工业与国内外其他镁盐工业的差距,看到自己的优势与不足。

    This article Analyzes disparity between the industry of salt of magnesium of Jingxing county and domestic and international other industry of salt of magnesium at the same time , we find its deficiency and advantage .

  21. 井陉,地连九塞,势控燕秦,有长城博物馆之称,最著名和保存最多的是明代长城。

    Jingxing , and even nine Serbs , control and powerful Qin Yan , a Great Wall Museum , said , and save up to the most famous is the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty .

  22. 采用动态水热法,以江西产天然粉石英、河北井陉产石灰为原料,加入少量的氧氯化锆为添加剂合成硬硅钙石晶体。

    Xonotlite was obtained based on dynamic hydrothermal process by using natural powder quartz of Jiangxi Province and lime of Jingjing County , Hebei Province as major raw materials . Zirconium oxychloride was used as an additive .