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jǐng tián zhì
  • the square-fields system;the "nine squares" system with one large square divided into 9 small ones , the 8 outer ones being allocated to serfs who had to cultivate the central one for the serf owner
井田制 [jǐng tián zhì]
  • [the square-fields system] 中国奴隶社会时期的一种土地制度,把土地划分成许多方块,像井字形

井田制[jǐng tián zhì]
  1. 对井田制兴起和衰落的一种契约分析

    Rise and Fall of the Square-fields System & a Contractual Analysis

  2. 这一切主要是由当时社会生产关系中最根本的经济制度&井田制的变化所决定的。

    All of these are decided by the land policy at that time .

  3. 井田制与租佃制的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Well Field System and Tenancy System

  4. 第二部分着重论述了井田制相关概念及崩坏因素。

    The second part focuses on the concepts relating to the well-field system and the factors of collapse .

  5. 不论是井田制还是名田制,都是根据一定的身份等级占有田宅。

    The ming-tian system is similar to the square-fields system in possessing farmland and curtilage according to one 's title .

  6. 井田制的瓦解和土地私有制的产生引起政治上的巨大变化。

    The collapse of the well fields system and the emergence of the private ownership of lands brought out great changes in politics .

  7. 而随着周王朝人口的增加和不断分封,市场出现了,这改变了井田制契约存在的条件。

    With the increase of population and enfeoffment , the market came into being , which destroyed the preconditions of the square-fields system contract .

  8. 与此相应,井田制下的禄田可以为同一家族世代享用,因而相对稳定;名田制下的田宅,由于爵位的降等继承而有较大的流动性。

    Under the square-fields system , the farmland as salary was stable and could run in the family because the aristocratic titles were hereditary .

  9. 从鲁国开始,井田制在各国逐步瓦解,标志着奴隶社会的逐步崩溃。

    Starting from State Lu , the well field system disintegrated gradually in all states , which was the sign of the collapse of slave society .

  10. 商鞅变法包括废除过时的井田制,使土地私有制合法化,取消职级的世袭制,改用县制。

    Shangyang 's reforms include abolishing the outdated well-field system , legalizing the private ownership of land , canceling the hereditary system of rank and initiating a county system .

  11. 春秋战国时期,由于铁制工具的使用和井田制的崩溃,促进了农业的发展,进而促动了商业的发展与繁荣,经商之潮风靡各国。

    In the Spring and Autumn period , owing to the application of iron tool and the collapse of the well form farmland system , the development of agriculture was promoted ;

  12. “仁政”思想主张恢复井田制,省刑薄赋,使民以时,取民有制,反对横征暴敛,反对不义战争。

    His concept of benevolent governante calls upon the resumption of the " square-field system " and the reduction of corporal punishments . He was also against the abuse of taxation and any unjust wars .

  13. 自上古至中唐,国家对土地的分配进行着比较直接的管理,井田制、限田制、均田制都体现了政府均地安民的目标和措施。

    From the antiquity to Tang , the country carries on the quite direct management to the land assignment , The Well field system , Limit land-tenure system , Average-land system , have manifested the government " The Even Land Stable People ( TELSP )" the goal and the measure .

  14. 两年后,国都迁至咸阳,第二次变法被推行以在秦朝的31个郡县中建立郡县制、废除井田制、实行土地私有制、统一度量衡。

    Two years later , the capital was shifted to Xianyang and the second political reform was then introduced to establish the political system of county in which the State of Qin was divided into 31 counties , to abolish the nine-square system and make land private , and unify weights and measures ,