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  1. 加纳的菠萝种植农正使用掌上电脑和条码技术来促进运输和增加作物产量。

    Pineapple farmers in Ghana are using PDAs and bar coding technology to facilitate transport and increase crop yields .

  2. 十分渴望能得到纯天然、无污染的优质食品,发展绿色有机农业,生产开发绿色有机农产品和食品正可以满足这一要求。

    Develop the organic agriculture and produce the organic food can satisfy the need exactly .

  3. 认为:吉林省的绿色农产品产业发展正处在一个大好的历史发展时期。

    Jilin province of green agricultural products industry development is in a big good history development period .

  4. 加强农产品品牌建设正是提升我国农产品竞争力的重要手段。

    Strengthening of agricultural products to enhance our brand-building is an important means of competitiveness of agricultural products .

  5. 中国的农产品加工企业正开始发展成一个出口行业,尤其是在水果和蔬菜等劳动密集型作物方面。

    Chinese agribusinesses are also beginning to carve out an export sector , especially in labour-intensive crops such as fruit and vegetables .

  6. 国际能源和农产品价格上涨正是国内能源和农产品价格上涨的主要原因。此外,中国国内农产品价格还受能源价格的影响。

    The rising of international energy and agricultural prices was the main reason for the rising of domestic energy and agricultural prices in China .

  7. 但中国农科院的另一位教授李先德表示,农产品加工企业正越来越多地与控制土地使用的村级官员谈判供应合同,而不是与农民直接谈判。

    But Li Xiande , another CAAS Professor , says agribusiness groups are increasingly negotiating supply contracts with the village officials who control the use of the land , rather than with the farmers themselves .

  8. 农产品质量安全正越来越受到关注,农产品供应链与农产品质量安全密不可分,如何控制供应链中农产品的质量安全备受关注。

    The concern of the quality and safety of agricultural products has been increasingly improved . Supply chain of agricultural products is inseparable with agricultural products quality and safety which means the latter can be assured only by the controlling of each procession of the supply chain .