
nónɡ yè ɡōnɡ rén
  • Agricultural workers;farm worker;farm labor;agricultural laborer
  1. 当然,对于替代农业工人尚存在一些担忧。

    Of course , some worry lies in replacing agricultural workers .

  2. Farmworkers虽然可以直译为农业工人,然而这个概念相对较少的用于描述英国的农业工人。

    Although Farm workers can literal translation for " agricultural workers ", however , the concept of relatively less used to describe the British agricultural workers .

  3. 英国的农业工人最普遍的翻译方法是labourer和servant。

    The most common methods of translation of the agriculture workers of UK is labourer and servant .

  4. Labourer指的是生产性农业工人,而servant则指代的是非生产性的农场仆工。

    Labourer refers to the productive agricultural workers , while the servant is refer non-productive farm male and female workers .

  5. 夏维兹建立的组织现在叫做“美国农业工人联合会”。

    Chavez established what is now the United Farm Workers of america .

  6. 拉丁美洲农业工人和农民组织协调理事会;

    Coordinating Council of agricultural worker and peasant organizations in Latin america ;

  7. 在亚洲和南部非洲许多死亡者是农业工人和孩子。

    Many victims are agricultural workers and children in Asia and southern Africa .

  8. 世界农业工人联合会大会

    Congress of the World Federation of Agricultural Workers

  9. 国际农业工人联合会阿拉伯农工商联合会

    International Landworkers ' Federation Union of Arab Chambers of Commerce , Industry and Agriculture

  10. 农业工人少得可怜的工资。

    The abysmal wages of rural labourers .

  11. 乔德一家人离开了胡佛村去到一所政府为过路的流动农业工人设立的营地。

    The Joads left Hooverville and went to a government camp maintained for transient agricultural workers .

  12. 接受雇用当农业工人

    Hire oneself out as a farmhand

  13. 他们将努力满足日本北部对农业工人的需求。

    They are trying to fill a need for farm workers in the northern part of Japan .

  14. 阿拉伯农业工人联合会

    Federation of Arab Agricultural Labourers

  15. 题材的现实性与内容的真实性&评斯坦贝克的农业工人三部曲

    Reality of the Subject and Faithfulness of the Content & On Steinbeck 's Trilogy of Migrant Peasant Workers

  16. 一般的农场工人可以通过一些对农作物或者牲畜生产经验成为特定的农业工人。

    General farm workers can become specialized in a particular type of crop or livestock production through experience .

  17. 那些贫穷的英国农业工人,在学校不能学法语,所以只能讲英语。

    But the poor English farmhands , being unable to learn French at school , could only speak English .

  18. 近几年来,随着乡镇企业的发展,一千三百万妇女成了非农业工人。

    In recent years , with the development of township-run enterprises , 13 million women have become non-agricultural workers .

  19. 中国有产业工人数百万,有手工业工人和农业工人数千万。

    There are several million industrial workers in China and several tens of millions of handicraft workers and agricultural labourers .

  20. 村里的果园大丰收,大家临时聘请了许多农业工人,帮助采摘。

    The orchard in the village gives a copious harvest , and people hire many temporary farm workers to help .

  21. 斯坦贝克最优秀的小说之一《人与鼠》发表于1937年,写的是两个流离失所的农业工人的故事。

    One of his BEST novels , Of Mice and Men , was published in1937.It is a story of two homeless and wandering farm workers .

  22. 作为工人阶级的重要组成部分,英国农业工人在经历了相当长时期的实际工资水平停滞和下滑后,直到1820年以后方才迎来生活水平的改善;

    As an important part of the English workforce , the agricultural workers'wages suffered a long stagnation or even dwindling back before an eventual improvement in1820 .

  23. 在地产结构演变的过程中,大地产下农业工人的工资呈现提高的趋势,工作时间缩短,居住条件得以极大的提高。

    In the course of the changing of estate structure , agricultural labour 's wage took on a trend of increasing , their working hour got shorter and their living accommodation was improved .

  24. 主人公苔丝是一个全新农业工人的形象,安玑·克莱是一个资产阶级理想主义者,而亚雷·德伯是资本主义初期,依靠商业致富的暴发户。

    Tess , the heroine , was the image of a completely new agricultural worker . Angel was the figure of a capitalist idealist , and Alec was the figure of a upstart , by means of the business , in the early capitalist period .

  25. 可以通过推行适当的产业政策,让部分农村劳动力由农民转变成农业产业工人,从而使部分农村劳动力在农村实现转移。

    We can make the proper industry policies to make the rural labor forces mobile in agriculture by making the farmer became agriculture worker . 5 .

  26. 北欧农业和园艺工人秘书处

    Nordic Secretariat for Agricultural and Horticultural Workers

  27. 包含了从国家管理者到知识分子的精英阶层,包含了从农业劳动者到产业工人,从青年学生到军人等最广泛的受众群体。

    The audience includes the elite class from social administers to intellectuals , from agricultural labors to industrial workers , from teenager students to armed forces .

  28. 在马克思主义政治经济学中,一直认为资本主义农业地租来源于农业雇佣工人创造的剩余价值。

    In Marxist plutonomy , it has been considered that the capitalist agricultural landtax comes from the surplus value created by agricultural salary earners .

  29. 传统农村社区是从事农业生产的农民(或农业工人)定居的场所,它充分反映了农业生产的组织和发展要求。

    So the rural community reflects the organized requirements of agriculture sufficiently .