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  1. 有些人或许认为此项声明显而易见。

    Some might call this a statement of the obvious .

  2. (这项声明令匈牙利人相当愤怒,因为在匈牙利,很多人的印象中,正是源自美国海岸的潮汐把他们的经济拖下了水。)

    ( This statement was greeted with a certain irritation in Hungary , where many are under the impression that their economy is underwater because of a tidal wave that started from American shores . )

  3. 这位美国国务卿坚称,这些领土纠纷必须在一项涵盖所有声索国的泛地区协定中得到解决,而不应采用中国所喜欢的与各国分别谈判的解决方式。

    The US secretary of state insisted that territorial disputes had to be settled in a region-wide agreement that included all the claimants , rather than the approach favoured by China of conducting talks with each individual country .

  4. 为此,本项研究采用有声思维实验方法来探究翻译过程。

    Therefore , this thesis uses an experimental method think-aloud method to study translation process .

  5. 该项研究是对声发射传感器联机探测岩石性质进行评价。

    This study is to evaluate the on-line detection of rock properties through acoustic emission sensors .

  6. 反炮兵侦察是炮兵侦察的一项重要任务,声测和雷达是反炮兵侦察的主要装备。

    The anti-artillery reconnaissance is an important duty of artillery reconnaissance , the artillery locating radar and sound ranging are main equipments of anti-artillery reconnaissance .

  7. 本项研究采用有声思维、回顾、访谈等方法,记录了16名中国大学生在一次英语写作任务中的思维过程,对此过程中的母语思维进行定量和定性的分析。

    This study investigates the writing processes of sixteen tertiary-level English majors in China through a combination of research techniques such as thinking aloud , observation , retrospection , and interviews .