
  1. 第四部分,主要探讨项斯诗歌的地位和接受。

    The fourth part is the position and acceptance of Xiang Si and his poems .

  2. 首先,借助史料的记载和项斯诗歌内容,确定项斯的籍贯,推论其生平经历。

    First , determines his hometown and inferences in his life experiences through studying historical records and items of the poems of Xiang Si .

  3. 首先,本章从诗歌内容这一角度将项斯的诗歌分为时事诗、写景诗、宗教诗和交往诗四个类别。

    First of all , the poetry will be divided into current affairs poetry , scenery poetry , religious poetry and communication poetry by contacts .

  4. 这些诗歌反映了项斯的现实主义精神,对自然的热爱,积极入仕的儒家思想和仕途坎坷的惆怅。

    These poems reflect the reality spirit , love of nature , positive thinking of the Confucian going to career , and the frustrations of melancholy .

  5. 项斯诗歌有对中唐诗风的继承,也有对晚唐诗歌的开拓,在晚唐诗坛上的地位是不容忽视的。

    He not only inherited the poetry style of middle Tang Dynasty , but also exploited the style of Late-Tang , so his position can not be ignored .

  6. 提出了对线性分类器分割方法的改进算法:基于二项逻辑斯谛回归模型的指纹图像分割方法,实验结果表明,改进后的算法有着更好的分割结果。

    Presents the improved algorithm based on liner classifier algorithm : the method of segment the fingerprint image based on Binary Logistic regression model , the experiment results shows that this method has better segmentation results .