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  • 网络TPF;Nutrison Fiber;Nutrison;Nutrison fibre
  1. 试验组(EN组)21例,术前3d口服能全力作术前肠道准备,术后12~24h开始以能全力进行早期EN支持;

    21 patients in the experimental group ( enteral nutrition group ) were applied with Nutrison Fibre as a kind of liquid diet in preoperative bowel preparation and postoperative early ( in 12 ~ 24 hours ) enteral nutritional support .

  2. EN组术后24h开始经鼻胃管予以肠内营养液能全力,PN组给予等氮、等热卡的肠外营养,营养支持共7d。

    TFP was started within the first 24 hours postoperatively by continuous pump infusion via a nasogastric tube in EN group and the isocaloric and isonitrogenous parenteral nutrition was given in PN group . The nutritional support were 7 days .

  3. 能全力对神经外科昏迷病人的肠内营养支持

    Enternal nutrition support of Nutrison fibre in neurosurgical coma patients

  4. 我希望他们今晚能全力一搏。

    I expect all of them to bring their game tonight , dude .

  5. 关键在于使这些规章制度能全力贯彻落实,她说。

    The key is to pursue full implementation of these regulations , she said .

  6. 我相信你们会喜欢和她一起工作的,我希望大家能全力支持他。

    I 'm sure you 'll enjoy working with her and I hope she 'll have your full support .

  7. 能全力组住院时间缩短,维持营养状态的效果好,对中风治疗有效率也高于高能要素组。

    Nutritional status and effective rate of stroke treatment were better in Nutrison Fibre group than in Elemental Diet group .

  8. 我希望各位议员能全力支持条例草案,使之能早日通过,加强对维多利亚港的保护。

    To enhance the protection of the Victoria harbour , I look forward to the full support from all of the members to the speedy enactment of the bill .

  9. 你能全心全力支持我,当我的头号粉丝吗?

    Give me all your support and be my biggest fan ?

  10. 作为个人,我能尽全力使未来不像过去和现在那么富有悲剧和讽刺意味吗?

    Can I , as an individual , do anything to make future history a little less tragic and less ironic than history past and present ?

  11. 我想我们能/应该全力/完全赞成这个合同。

    I think we can / should give the contract our full / complete approval .

  12. 她是队里的中坚&她能激励每个人全力打好比赛。

    She 's the spark plug of the team & the one who gets everyone else to give their all .

  13. 本公司谨希望贵处能对申请给予全力支持并签发上述期间的签证给此人。

    We sincerely hope you will give your fullest support in the application and issue a visa for the person for the above mentioned period .

  14. 我不知道我有多聪明,但是我的确感到睡得好起得早能让我白天全力工作。

    I 'm not sure how wise I am , but I can certainly feel that getting a good night 's sleep and an early start help 's me do a full days work .

  15. 我不晓得我目前做的哪些是对的,那些是错的,而当我终于老死的时分我才晓得这些。所以我目前所能做的就是全力做好每一件事,然后等候着老死。

    Only till my natural death could I tell which of what I have been doing is right or wrong , so now I have to try to do well in everything , and then wait to die a natural death .

  16. 皮尔斯:我希望我能在比赛中尽量走得更远,希望能尽全力达到我的最好水平,这就是我的目标。

    MARY PIERCE : Well , I 'm going to follow the same path . I think it 's good for me . I 'm successful . I have the desire to go as far as I can go .