- 网络stable manifold

The stability of the equilibrium solution is discussed in the OLG model of planner system , With a result close to the stable manifold theorem , the dimension of the problem is reduced , then the paper provides a global analysis of the dynamics of the model .
Transient Stability Calculation of Electric Power System Based on the Stable Manifold Transformation
The advantage of our paper is to give a more explicit solution and to make Melnikov function for the subharmonics bifurcation and Melnikov function which the stable manifolds and unstable manifolds intersect transversely into a formula .
Unstable Manifolds , Nonwandering Sets and Topological Entropy of Tree Maps
Features of Mapping of a Unstable Manifold on Linear Ordered Topological Space
On perturbation of stable manifolds ( continued )
Some Properties of Unstable Manifolds of Tree Maps
Stable-manifold-based method for realizing chaos synchronization
On perturbation of stable manifolds
This paper proves a formula which is a simple form of unstable manifolds for periodic points not being on the boundary .
When the trajectories of two unidirectional-coupled chaotic systems arrive at this manifold , the error dynamics is global asymptotical stable at origin .
The stable manifolds of semi-saddles are significant part of the restricted stability boundary and they can be approximated by equal energy surface of semi-saddles .
Based on the stable manifold theory , the chaotic system will be controlled and synchronized if it is guided to the desired target by designing a suitable controller .
In this paper , the author proved that the nonlinear differential equation system exists stable and unstable manifolds if their associated homogenous equations satisfies exponential dichotomy and nonlinear part satisfies certain conditions ;
Then the spacecraft transfers from parking orbit to target periodic orbits associated with librations point , and escapes from unstable invariant manifold associated with the system to achieve interplanetary flight with low energy .
In order to distinguish these two types of homoclinic orbits and also for the convenience of our statement in this paper , we name these orbits according to the relative position of all the branches of the stable and unstable manifolds .
No matter how little a parameter changes , if and only if the starting point of a saddle-mode section on the phase plane changes from one side of the stable manifolds to the other side , the dynamics afterwards is entirely different .
On stationary Submanifolds with parallel normalized mean curvature vector
The crisis behavior of band structure of chaotic attractors can be explained by heteroclinic crises of unstable invariant manifold . There is a universal scaling law for critical crisis points which can be derived from the dissipative generalization of the Hamiltonian renormalization theory .
Slope Stability Analysis by the Manifold Element Method
Neither a common equilibrium for each node nor a stable synchronization manifold is assumed to exist .
The bounded and unbounded traveling wave solutions which correspond to the stable and unstable manifold at the saddle point have been worked out .
In this paper a new method is adopted to search for the stable manifolds of unstable equilibrium points so that the stable manifolds of equilibrium points are found easily through partial differential equations .
For the two-parameter family of planar mapping , a method to stabilize an unstable fixed point without stable manifold embedding in hyperchaos is introduced .
For an inertia wheel pendulum , a control law is designed to ensure that partial states of an inertia wheel pendulum are globally asymptotically stable , whereas other states are globally asymptotically convergent to an invariant manifold .
The movement equations of power system should be expressed first in matrix formula-tion before the calculation of stable and unstable manifolds on a controlling unstable equilibrium point in application of normal form theory .
According to the theory of nonlinear dynamic system , the stability boundary is the union of the stable manifolds of the equilibrium points on the stability boundary .
Discrete numerical simulations show that on most points of the manifold of equilibrium states the system is unstable and that only on some special initial conditions there are few stable equilibrium points .
Hence the stability boundary is approximated by a series of trajectories in reverse time .
According to the stability region theory of constrained dynamic system , the restricted stability boundary is composed of stable manifolds of unstable equilibrium points , periodic orbits and semi-saddles on the boundary , and portions of the boundary of the feasible region .