
  • 网络hatchback
  1. 紧随其后,一款两厢车和SUV车型将面市。

    A hatchback and a SUV will quickly follow .

  2. 面对中国轿车市场如此广阔的发展潜力,一汽大众公司于2003年正式引入由德国大众开发,并在欧洲畅销30年的经典两厢车&高尔夫,进行本地化生产,并于7月15日投放市场。

    Facing a rapidly growing car market , FAW-VW introduced Golf , a classic hatchback cars , that was developed and popular in Europe for 30 years . The car was formally launched to the market on July 15 after production localization .

  3. 今天,戴姆勒-克莱斯勒公司的Mini小型两厢车才是如今风靡的假货,至少有三家不同的中国公司发售了他们自己的型号。

    Today , Daimler Chrysler 's Mini is the du jour counterfeit , with at least three different Chinese firms pushing their own versions .

  4. 尾的才算是轿车,而有头无尾的不是轿车,没有尾部的两厢车,不能算轿车。

    A car without a rear is not a sedan .

  5. 两厢车何时走出尴尬?

    When will the double-box car go out of dilemma ?