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  1. 中国全国乘用车市场信息联席会(ChinaPassengerCarAssociation)的数据显示,6月份,中国乘用车销量为1429676辆,同比减少3.2%。

    Vehicle sales were 1429676 in June , down 3.2 per cent year-on-year , according to the China Passenger Car Association .

  2. jdpower表示,坊间证据显示,1月份中国的乘用车销量十分强劲,但仍不足以超越美国。

    JD Power says anecdotal evidence suggests passenger car sales in January were strong but not strong enough to surpass US sales .

  3. Power说,2010年,乘用车生产厂的开工率可能会下滑至67%,低于汽车业80%这一标准的收支平衡水平。

    Power says passenger-vehicle plant utilization could drop to67 % in2010 , some way below the80 % standard break-even level for the auto industry .

  4. 9月27日,日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.)暂停了在华乘用车的生产。

    Nissan Motor Co. suspended output of passenger cars in China on Sept. 27 .

  5. 基于大样本实测的乘用车怠速HC排放统计特征

    Statistical Features of Passenger Cars Idle HC Emission Based on Large Sample Detecting

  6. 如今,按照CAFÉ的标准,乘用车每加仑的行驶里程达到了30.2英里。

    Today , CAFE standards are up to 30.2 miles per gallon .

  7. 咨询公司IHSAutomotive预计,今年中国乘用车销量的增幅将略高于10%。

    Consultancy IHS Automotive forecasts that figure to grow by just over 10 % this year .

  8. 混合动力乘用车电机与AMT耦合传动特性的研究

    A Study of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Motor and AMT Coupling Power Transmission Characteristics

  9. 神龙公司是与法国PSA标致雪铁龙集团合资建设的乘用车生产合资企业。

    DPCA is a joint venture for the production of passenger car with France PSA Peugeot Citroca Gruop .

  10. 但领先汽车咨询公司jdpower表示,该公司仍预计2009年乘用车销量持平于580万辆或略有下降。

    But JD Power , the leading auto consultancy , said it was still predicting flat or slightly lower passenger car sales in 2009 , at 5.8m units .

  11. 中国汽车工业协会(ChineseAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers,简称:中汽协)的数据显示,2014年中国轿车、运动型多用途车(SUV)和多功能乘用车(MPV)的销量为1970万辆,同比增长9.9%。

    Sales of passenger cars , SUVs and minivans increased 9.9 per cent year-on-year to 19.7m units in 2014 , according to the Chinese Association of Automobile Manufacturers .

  12. 而美国的数据仅包括乘用车、皮卡和运动型多功能车(suv)。

    Its US figure excludes everything except passenger cars , pick-up trucks and sport utility vehicles .

  13. 它的乘用车将采用日产Nissan品牌,而商用车则主要使用东风品牌。

    Its passenger vehicles will carry Nissan brand , whereas commercial vehicles mainly carry the Dongfeng brand .

  14. 汽车业咨询公司JDPower给出的数字显示,在传统上属于销售淡季的7月份,通用在华的乘用车销售量同比增长了52%。

    GM passenger car sales in China rose 52 per cent year-on-year in July , traditionally a weak month , according to figures from JD Power , the car consultancy .

  15. 介绍了广州本田飞度乘用车ABS指示灯电路和制动系统指示灯电路的检测诊断方法。

    In this article the inspection and diagnosis to the ABS Pilot Lamp and the Pilot Lamp of Arrester System for Guangzhou Honda Fit Car are introduced .

  16. 今年前三季度,通用汽车与上汽集团、一汽(FirstAutoWorks)以及五菱组建的多家合资企业的乘用车销售量超过了110万辆,同期大众汽车(Volkswagen)的销量约为190万辆。

    Its various joint ventures with SAIC , First Auto Works and Wuling sold more than 1.1m passenger vehicles over the first three quarters of this year , compared with Volkswagen 's almost 1.9m .

  17. 但是把SUV车身放到乘用车平台上,就能诞生一辆SUV酷越车。

    But attach an SUV body to a passenger car platform , and you get an SUV crossover .

  18. 根据咨询公司AutomotiveForesight的估算,中国每年的公车购买量占全国乘用车总需求的比例不到5%。

    Government-vehicle purchases in China comprise less than 5 % of the country 's overall annual passenger-car demand , according to an estimate from consultancy Automotive Foresight .

  19. JDPower最近调整了2009年中国乘用车销量的预测,从今年年初预测的580万辆,调高至700万辆,并表示可能进一步向上修正。

    JD Power recently revised its 2009 forecast for Chinese passenger car sales to 7m , from 5.8m at the beginning of the year and said a further upward revision was possible .

  20. ABC汽车有限公司作为行业内的一家大型的、现代化的、综合性的乘用车生产企业和Y市的第一纳税大户,以其作为研究对象进行税务筹划的研究具有典型意义。

    ABC Automobile Company is the industry within a large , modern and comprehensive passenger vehicles production enterprise as well as the first large taxpayer , Y city .

  21. 同时,比亚迪也将在湖南基地进行乘用车生产,计划生产车型C3、C6、F2等。

    Furthermore , BYD will manufacture passenger vehicle in Hunan and plans to produce car models C3 , C6 , F2 and so on .

  22. AMT变速器作为一种简单可靠、成本低廉的自动变速器在汽车上已有多年的应用,但主要应用是在乘用车上。

    AMT transmission is a simple , reliable and low cost automatic transmission on the automobile for many years , but mainly using for cars .

  23. 国内某款乘用车V型6缸发动机进气歧管(319.0)开发过程中,屡屡出现缩孔、气(针)孔等铸造缺陷,严重地影响了供应商的正常供货以及整车厂产能的提升。

    During the developing process of one V-6 type engine intake manifold with 319.0 alloy , many defects as shrinkage and pin hole occurred frequently , which hindered its normal supply and thus affected the OEMs productivity .

  24. 市场研究咨询机构LMCAutomotive估计,今年1至9月中国乘用车的销售量增长了15%,达到约1200万辆。

    LMC Automotive , a consultancy , estimates that January to September sales of passenger vehicles in China increased 15 per cent to almost 12m units .

  25. 咨询公司LMCAutomotive估计,今年中国乘用车销量将增长15%,增幅是2012年的两倍。

    Passenger car sales in China look set to expand 15 % this year & twice the pace of 2012 , estimate consultants at LMC Automotive .

  26. 按照1981年的CAFE标准(即由政府规定的企业平均燃油经济性要求),乘用车每加仑的行驶里程只有22英里。

    In 1981 the CAFE standard , that is the corporate average fuel economy requirement set by the government , was just 22 miles per gallon for passenger cars .

  27. F公司成立于1991年,它是我国与国外某知名汽车品牌合资经营的大型乘用车生产企业,也是我国第一个按经济规模起步建设的现代化乘用车工业基地。

    F company was founded in 1991 , and it is a famous joint venture of large vehicle production enterprise with a foreign Auto Firm . It is the first passenger car industry base according to the modern economic .

  28. 若计入运动型多功能车(SUV)的销量增长,今年1至2月中国的乘用车销量同比增长超过11%,达到了260万辆。

    Including a surge in sales of SUVs , passenger car sales in China increased more than 11 per cent year on year to 2.6m units .

  29. 研究公司高德纳(Gartner)称,到2030年,自动驾驶的汽车将在成熟市场的乘用车部分占据约25%的份额。

    Research group Gartner says that , by 2030 , autonomous-enabled vehicles will make up about 25 per cent of passenger cars in mature markets .

  30. 咨询机构麦肯锡公司(McKinseyCo.)的数据显示,中国高端车市场占乘用车总销量的9%,日本和韩国的这一比例分别为4%和6%。

    The Chinese premium car market accounts for 9 % of all passenger-car sales , according to consultancy McKinsey Co. , compared with 4 % in Japan and 6 % in South Korea .