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chéng jī
  • seize the opportunity;exploit the opportunity;leap at the chance
乘机 [chéng jī]
  • [exploit the opportunity;leap at the chance] 利用机会

  • 而奸民多乘机告讦,故家大姓时有被诬负屈者。--《明史.海瑞传》

乘机[chéng jī]
  1. 我乘机瞥了一眼镜子。

    I snatched a glance at the mirror

  2. 他乘机百般撩拨,眉目传情。

    He tried in a hundred ways to convey his own feelings , casting arch glances at them .

  3. 他永远不会比机器算得更快,永远不会驾驶得更好,甚至不能更安全得乘机。

    He 'll never calculate faster , never drive better , or even fly more safely .

  4. 到1991年,随着印度用光外汇,世界银行(worldbank)便乘机迫使它放弃了指令经济模式。

    Then , in 1991 , with India running out of foreign exchange , the World Bank forced it to abandon its controlled economy .

  5. 那些伐木工人对KsorLulong表示,他们是在意识到有人一直躲在旁边并乘机偷走他们的午餐后才将其女儿“抓获”的。

    The loggers told Lu that they caught her after realising that someone had sneaked up and taken their lunch .

  6. DCS系统制造商也可以期望乘机利用印度和中国电力产能扩张带来的机会。

    DCS manufacturers can also look to cash in on the capacity expansion drives in the power industries in India and China .

  7. 英语学习笔记:welcomeaboard欢迎乘机我可以问一下36a/洗手间在哪吗?只是在安置行李,不过还是谢谢你。

    May I know where 36a / lavatory is ? Just managing my bags , thank you anyway .

  8. 传统的风浪谱估计方法FFT法假定在所取时间滞后数乘机之外其协方差函数为零,在周期图中假定所取数据长度为一完整周期。

    Traditional spectrum estimation method , Fast Fourier Transform , assumes that the covariance function out of the computation domain is regarded as zero , the period histogram is considered to be the whole period .

  9. 旨在终结这场冲突的外交努力仍在继续,联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)将乘机前往多哈,与阿巴斯和卡塔尔的官员进行会谈。

    Diplomatic efforts to end the conflict continued , with Ban Ki-moon , UN secretary-general , set to fly to Doha to hold talks with Mr Abbas and Qatari officials .

  10. 大约10年前,视频游戏公司动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)首席执行官鲍比科蒂克(BobbyKotick)乘机飞往京都参观任天堂(Nintendo)。

    About a decade ago , Bobby Kotick , chief executive of the video games company Activision Blizzard , flew to Kyoto to visit Nintendo .

  11. 履职四年后即将卸任的交通部长雷•拉胡德(RayLaHood)在一次采访中说,他本人在华盛顿特区和家乡伊利诺伊州之间往返时的乘机体验,让他对航空服务深感不满,于是着手强制整改。

    Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood , who is stepping down after four years , said in an interview he became frustrated with airline service flying between Washington , D.C. , and his home state of Illinois , and set out to force improvement . '

  12. 提供中文和英文教育服务的公司将会乘机宰人;

    Chinese and English education service corporations will make a killing .

  13. 那个老姑娘想乘机利用我们。

    The old girls plan to cash in on us .

  14. 这主要是一个商业型的节日,是零售商乘机赚钱的机会。

    It 's a commercial holiday , a chance for retailers to .

  15. 对不起,您不在这个柜台办理乘机手续。

    I 'm sorry , you are not at the right counter .

  16. 他乘机时总是带一些阅读材料。

    He always took some reading matter with him on the plane .

  17. 乘机手续再过20分钟,即20点25分,开始。

    The check-in will begin in 20 minutes , that is at 20:25 .

  18. 陈云贤代表乘机抛出了一个“绣球”。

    " flew out on behalf of Chen Yun-yin , a " Hydrangea .

  19. 机场医生检查后,是否给出适宜乘机的明确性答复。

    The airport doctor has given the clarity reply .

  20. 什么时候办理这次航班的乘机手续?

    What is the check-in time for the flight ?

  21. 敌人一旦出现间隙,就要迅速乘机而入。

    If the enemy leaves a door open , you must rush in .

  22. 维护消费者权益创造和谐乘机环境

    Create Harmony to Protect Consumers ' Rights and Interests

  23. 乘坐的航班在哪个柜台办理乘机手续?

    Where is the check-in counter for this flight ?

  24. 有些人指责他想乘机宣传自己的基因成像公司以此谋利。

    Some accused him of trying to cash in on his DNA-profiling firm .

  25. 我预定星期五乘机返美。

    I ' 'm due to fly back to the States on Friday .

  26. 很多人会乘机占我便宜。

    Most guys would have taken advantage of me .

  27. 认真落实阻燃适航标准确保乘机安全性

    Carefully Implementing the Airworthiness Standard of Burn Block

  28. 您乘坐的航班在值机18号柜台办理乘机手续。

    You should check in at counter no.18 .

  29. 很多商家还乘机谋财,对前来拍照的市民收取过路费。

    Many businessmen also Moucai opportunity to take pictures of people who collect tolls .

  30. 我们乘机一举歼灭敌人,并取得钛灵矿石。

    We 'll mop them up , and then we 'll take the tylium .