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shén wèi
  • a spirit tablet;memorial talet
神位 [shén wèi]
  • [a spirit tablet]旧时宗庙、祠堂中设立的祖先的牌位

神位[shén wèi]
  1. 神位忌安置在道的上方。

    Bogey tablets placed in the top of Road .

  2. 壮族妇女一生下孩子,就开始敬花王神位以祈求保护孩子。

    As soon as the Zhuang woman has a child , she begin to worship the Flower Lady to protect her child .

  3. 特朗普利用他的总统神位谴责国内外制造商雇佣海外劳动力为美国消费者生产产品,但是伊万卡牌的订单还是不断涌入。

    Trump uses his presidential pulpit to censure manufacturers -- both domestic and foreign -- for using overseas labor to make goods for American consumers but the Ivanka-branded orders have kept rolling in .

  4. 到这一天,村民们摇船至运河塘岸,先将带来的猪鸡鱼等在蚕花娘娘神位前祭招,然后参加比赛。

    To this day , the villagers Yaochuan to the canal pond shore , fish , pig and chicken first brought to spend the empress in the silkworm tablet strokes before the festival , and then race .