
  1. 神分光明出黑暗。

    So God separated the light form the darkness .

  2. 我们是有三一神分赐到我们里面。

    We have the Triune God dispensed into us .

  3. 我们传福音,应当是借着将神分赐到人里面,而执行神的经纶。

    Rather , we should preach the gospel to carry out God 's economy by dispensing God into others .

  4. 热解技术是实现神府煤分质转化与清洁利用的有效途径之一。

    Pyrolysis is one of Shenfu coal grading effective utilization technologies .

  5. 祖先神是保证分的落实的外在权威支撑。

    Ancestral deity is the outside authoritative support , which guaranteed the fulfillment of Fen .

  6. 这个分赐就是管家职分,有神的执事分赐的职事。

    This dispensation is the stewardship with the dispensing ministry of the ministers of God .

  7. 从至上的神所得之分,从至高全能者所得之业,是什么呢。

    For what portion of God is there from above ? And what inheritance of the Almighty from on high ?

  8. 这是恶人从神所得的分,是神为他所定的产业。

    This is the portion of a wicked man from God , and the heritage appointed unto him by God .

  9. 神不能将自己分赐到仍然活在天然生命里的人里面,而只能将自己分赐到已死的人里面。

    God can not dispense Himself into persons still living in their natural life , but can only dispense Himself into those who have died .

  10. 邀请:如果你还没有相信主耶稣,神说除非你的生命被改变你与神是无分的。

    Invitation : If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus , God says you are separated from Him unless your life is changed .