
  • Ness;nice;Arne Naess;Patrick Ness
  1. 阿兰·奈斯论深层生态学的哲学基础

    Arne Naess on the Philosophical Foundation of Deep Ecology

  2. 行政楼层客房及套房内另设有源自意大利的“奈斯派索”咖啡机以及时尚的I-PAD对接口。

    Executive Club Rooms and Suites has " Nespresso " coffee machine and I-PAD docking station to add a different feeling .

  3. 费耶罗酒店(Soler5862;fierrohotel.com;双人间129美元起)坐落在巴勒莫好莱坞街区(PalermoHollywood)上的一处绝佳地点,性价比极高,配备的设施(不同枕头可选,奈斯派索[Nespresso]咖啡机)都是远为更贵的酒店才会使用的。

    With a great location in Palermo Hollywood , the Fierro ( Soler 5862 ; fierrohotel.com ; doubles from $ 129 ) is great value , with the amenities ( pillow menu , Nespresso machines ) of a much more expensive hotel .

  4. 这款牛仔裤名为“美女和极客”,带有全功能键盘、鼠标和内置扬声器,安装在牛仔裤大腿部位的布料上,由NieuweHeren公司设计。该公司由艾瑞克•德奈斯和蒂姆•施密特经营。

    The jeans , known as Beauty and the Geek , come with a fully functional keyboard , mouse and speakers integrated into the upper leg of the fabric and are the idea of design company Nieuwe Heren , run by Erik de Nijs and Tim Smit .

  5. 奈斯毕特,对无线电室了解多少?

    What do you know about the radio room , nesbitt ?

  6. “比尔奈斯”汁是由什么原料做的?

    What does the b é arnaise sauce consist of ?

  7. “我的人格是全州闻名的,”曼克奈斯咆哮道。

    My character is known all over the state , blustered magnus .

  8. 基于喇曼&奈斯声光衍射的光学双稳装置

    An optical bistable device based on Raman-Nath acoustooptic diffraction

  9. 曼克奈斯朝他儿子瞥了一眼,着实吃了一惊。

    Magnus glanced at his son in considerable surprise .

  10. 他走到曼克奈斯身边,握握州长那只没力气的手。

    He came up to Magnus and shook the Governor 's limp hand .

  11. 奈斯毕特,我不在的时候发生了很多事情吗?

    Much happen while I was gone , nesbitt ?

  12. 刚刚在范奈斯机场登机。

    Just boarded a plane at Van Nuys airfield .

  13. 我是法官,我会尽我的责任,奈斯先生。

    I 'll be the judge of what I must do , Mr ness .

  14. 其主要理论来源是利奥波德的大地伦理学和奈斯的深层生态学思想。

    The main theoretical sources of ecocriticism are Leopold 's Land Ethic and Naess'Deep Ecology .

  15. 对不起,奈斯先生,你必须把枪还他。

    I 'm sorry , Mr ness , you 'll have to give it back .

  16. 奈斯密斯医生把他的学生分成两组,并教他们如何玩他的新游戏。

    Dr Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams , and taught .

  17. 奈斯毕特,有什么八卦消息吗?

    Got any gossip , Nesbitt ?

  18. 为什么阿奈斯有瘦长的脚!

    Why Anansi has thin legs !

  19. 因为两面神柬奈斯有两个脸,所以他可以看到过去的事,也可以看到将来的事。

    With two faces , Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future .

  20. “我们这些小麦种植者啊,还不是到处受人剥削,作弄,欺骗!”曼克奈斯凄惨地说。

    How we wheat growers are exploited and trapped and deceived at every turn , observed Magnus sadly .

  21. 实验结果表明,用氨电极测定的精密度优于用奈斯勒试剂测定的精密度。

    Experimental results showed that the precision of ammonia electrode assay was better than that of Nessler assay .

  22. 我相信他的分析是准确无误的,我也相信未来将如奈斯比特所预料的那样展开。

    I believe his analysis is spot on and that the future will unfold just as Naisbitt predicts .

  23. 逆奈斯特阵列法能够充分利用计算机,采用交互方式对多变量控制系统进行计算机辅助设计,提出了1套利用逆奈奎斯特阵列法设计多变量控制系统的程序设计方法。

    A practicable program for the design of multivariable control system with the inverse Nyquist array is put forward .

  24. 奈斯、贝德罗克和团队中的其他成员一起研究了仙女水母。

    Nath , Bedbrook and the rest of their team worked with a species known as the upside-down jellyfish .

  25. 因此,好运气,研究员,我希望能设法达成凡奈斯,看看你的工作!

    So , good luck , fellows , and I hope to manage to reach Van Nuys and see your work !

  26. 多年后,当我终于有幸在北京见到奈斯比特和他夫人多丽丝,我发现他虽已是80岁高龄,却依然身体健康、精神饱满。

    When I finally met Naisbitt and his wife Doris in Beijing , I found the 80-year-old still hale and hearty .

  27. 然而,环球影业公司依然对挪威作家尤?奈斯博系列小说的男主人公哈里?霍尔侦探的荧屏魅力充满信心。

    However Universal believes in the cinematic appeal of the series about Detective Harry Hole by Norwegian author Jo Nesb ? .

  28. 当天晚些时候,奥巴马与两位朋友马蒂•奈斯比提和埃里克•惠特克一起打高尔夫,两人是奥巴马在芝加哥的邻居。

    Later Wednesday , Obama played golf with friends Marty Nesbitt and Eric Whitaker , friends who are neighbors of Obama in Chicago .

  29. 我国某些文学理论教材对恩格斯在《致玛·哈克奈斯》中有关论述的理解是有偏颇的。

    The understanding of relevant statements in To Ma Hankins by Engels in some of our country 's literature theory textbook is far-fetched .

  30. 古罗马的人们把一年的第一个月命名为柬奈斯,又称他为“开始的神”、“护门神”和“使出神”。

    The Romans named the first month of the year after Janus , the god of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrances .