
  • 网络Naira;NGN
  1. 尼日利亚奈拉的黑市价格暗示着50%的贬值。

    Black markets for the naira suggest a 50 per cent devaluation .

  2. 议会最终核定为每月118美元,也就是1万8千奈拉。

    Lawmakers eventually settled on about $ 118 a month , or18,000 Naira .

  3. 帕奈拉冷饮西餐厅(Panera)营养经理凯蒂·本斯顿(KatieBengston)则表示在菜单上标明卡路里这一变化对生意没有影响,我们没有看到高卡路里食物销售额猛降和低卡路里食物销量猛增。

    Katie Bengston , Panera 's nutrition manager , said menu labeling has not affected its business : We did not notice a jump in sales from higher calorie items to lower calorie items .

  4. 这项规则旨在对此进行改善。帕奈拉冷饮西餐厅(Panera)营养经理凯蒂·本斯顿(KatieBengston)则表示在菜单上标明卡路里这一变化对生意没有影响,“我们没有看到高卡路里食物销售额猛降和低卡路里食物销量猛增”。

    Katie Bengston , Panera 's nutrition manager , said menu labeling has not affected its business : " We did not notice a jump in sales from higher calorie items to lower calorie items . "

  5. 你真的认为马蒂·斯比奈拉该对此负责吗

    Do you really think Marty Spinella is to blame ?

  6. 斯比奈拉让工会把我们拒之门外

    Spinella got us shut out by the union ,

  7. 无论斯比奈拉先生是不是主使

    Whether Mr. Spinella is behind this or not ,

  8. 斯比奈拉正在策动美国历史上最大规模的教师罢工

    Spinella is potentially mobilizing the largest teachers ' strike in United States history .

  9. 海洋国际银行捐献价值数百万奈拉的救济物资给尼日利亚的水患灾民。

    Oceanic Bank International donates relief materials worth millions of Naira to flood victims in nigeria .

  10. 意大利威尼托大区的典型白葡萄品种,例如加格奈拉,白品诺,颂维翁布朗克和棠比内诺。

    Italian white grape varieties typical of the Veneto region , such as Garganega , Pinot Bianco , Sauvignon Blanc and Trebbiano .

  11. 他曾是一个汽车经销商,被他的一位同事控告携带总值为5百万奈拉(合43200美元)的两辆汽车而潜逃。

    The former car dealer had been accused by a colleague of running off with two vehicles valued at5m naira ( $ 43,200 ) .

  12. 尽管如此,该荷兰啤酒商告诫称,尼日利亚市场面临更大困难,因为当地人转而购买更便宜的啤酒,同时当地货币奈拉贬值的可能性“对业务具有持续的负面影响”。

    However , the Dutch brewer cautioned that the Nigerian market was getting tougher as people traded down to cheaper beers , while the possibility of a devaluation of the naira " continues to impact the business adversely . "

  13. 据悉,海蒂今年两岁半,此前曾和姐姐奈拉一同被遗弃在美国北卡罗来纳州的一家动物收容所外。自今年5月起,海蒂一直生活在德国莱比锡动物园。

    Heidi is thought to be two and a half years old , and was abandoned outside an animal shelter in North Carolina in the United States , together with her sister Naira , and has been at Leipzig Zoo since May .

  14. 结果表明,中山站地区土壤中的高岭石含量存在明显的空间分异,含量范围为26%~57%;而中山站地区奈拉湖不同时间的湖泊沉积物中高岭石含量范围则为5.8%~23.2%。

    Kaolinite content in the soil samples ranges between 26 % and 57 % , showing clear spacial differentiation , while its content in the sediment of Lake Nella ranges between 5.8 % - 23.2 % , showing temporal differentiation in different layers .