
  • The Shawshank Redemption;Shawshank Redemption,The
  1. 比如《肖申克的救赎》(TheShawshankRedemption,1994))中的蒂姆·罗宾斯(TimRobbins)、《为黛西小姐开车》(DrivingMissDaisy,1989)中的杰西卡·坦迪(JessicaTandy),或《训练日》中的伊桑·霍克(EthanHawke)。

    Think of Tim Robbins in " The Shawshank Redemption " ( 1994 ) , Jessica Tandy in " Driving Miss Daisy " ( 1989 ) or Ethan Hawke in " Training Day . "

  2. 肖申克的救赎是我们简单的生活中值得一再回味的东西。

    The Shawshank Redemption is only worthy thing to cherish in our simple life .

  3. 在1994年的电影《肖申克的救赎》中,主角需要爬过下水道。

    In the 1994 movie The Shawshank Redemption , the main character needs to crawlthrough a sewer pipe .

  4. 接下来的几年,TNT及其他特纳频道确保了《肖申克的救赎》再也不会缺少曝光度。

    Over the next few years , TNT and other Turner channels ensured that ' Shawshank ' never again would suffer from a lack of exposure . '

  5. 他的TNT频道于1997年获得了该电影的有线电视播出权,并且将《肖申克的救赎》作为其新经典广告的主力军。

    His TNT channel took the cable-broadcast rights to the film in 1997 and made ' Shawshank ' an anchor of its ' New Classics ' campaign .

  6. 这栋豪宅的3D影院配有环绕音效系统和按摩椅,还收藏了一些好莱坞大片的DVD影碟,其中包括《肖申克的救赎》(ShawshankRedemption)和《爱丽丝漫游奇遇记》(AliceinWonderland)。

    And the mansion 's 3-D cinema has Surround-sound , massage chairs , and a small collection of Hollywood hits on DVD , including Shawshank Redemption and Alice in Wonderland .

  7. 禁锢·希望·自由&解析《肖申克的救赎》意象

    Imprisonment , Hope and Freedom & The Images Analysis in The Shawshank Redemption

  8. 自从《肖申克的救赎》公映之后,此地的旅游业逐年增长。

    Tourism has increased every year since " Shawshank " had its premiere ;

  9. 希望与超越&结合老子的思想解读《肖申克的救赎》

    Hope and Exceeding : Understanding of The Shawshank Redemption with the Philosophical Thoughts of Laozi ;

  10. 《肖申克的救赎》这样的电影也会以比较间接的方式为公司盈利。

    Films like ' Shawshank ' pad their studios ' bottom lines in less-direct ways , too .

  11. 从这些利润来看,《肖申克的救赎》为华纳兄弟带来了超过1亿美元的收入。

    Based on those margins , ' Shawshank ' has brought in more than $ 100 million .

  12. 在录像带还盛行的时候,《肖申克的救赎》拿到了1995年录像带出租排行榜的冠军。

    In the days when videocassettes mattered , ' Shawshank ' was the top rental of 1995 .

  13. 肖申克的救赎是一部上映于1994年的美国情节电影,弗兰克·达拉邦特是这部影片的编剧兼导演,影星摩根·弗里曼,蒂姆·罗宾斯。

    The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont and starringTim Robbins and Morgan Freeman .

  14. 《肖申克的救赎》及其他电影现在正被授权给更多、更雄心勃勃的发行商以更短的时长播出。

    ' Shawshank ' and other films are now being licensed for shorter periods to a bigger and hungrier universe of distributors .

  15. 《肖申克的救赎》的这20年就像一次有向导的观光之旅,让我们了解到娱乐行业的金字塔及其不断演变的收入流。

    ' Shawshank 's ' last 20 years offer a guided tour through the myriad and evolving revenue streams of the entertainment business .

  16. 但这些数字才刚刚开始体现《肖申克的救赎》这样的电影对一个电影公司财务状况的长期重要性。

    But such figures only begin to show a movie like ' Shawshank ' 's long-term importance for a studio 's financial picture .

  17. 刚看完《肖申克的救赎》,这部电影被我分成好几部分看了,但是还是记忆犹新。

    I have finished The Shawshank Redemption just now , which was seen for several parts but has made me impressed very much .

  18. 在有线电视领域,《肖申克的救赎》正处于许多电影的授权价值逐渐削弱的阶段,但这部电影的实力并未动摇。

    On cable , ' Shawshank ' is at an age when the licensing value of many films diminishes , but its strength hasn 't wavered .

  19. 其灵感来自于对旅行的热爱和1994年由摩根·弗里曼和蒂姆·罗宾斯主演的越狱电影《肖申克的救赎》。

    They were inspired by a shared love of travel and the 1994 prison escape film The Shawshank Redemption , starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins .

  20. 电影公司将多部电影捆绑出售时——其中很多都是烂片——《肖申克的救赎》就是带动其他电影必不可少的“火车头”。

    When studios sell a package of films -- many of them stinkers -- a ' Shawshank ' acts as a much-needed locomotive to drag the others behind it .

  21. 像《肖申克的救赎》这样的所谓“龙头电影”会让电影公司拥有和被授权方谈判的筹码,同时较弱的电影也能得到支持。

    So-called ' package leaders ' such as ' Shawshank ' can give studios leverage in negotiations with licensees , and prop up the weaker films in the catalog .

  22. 《肖申克的救赎》在电视上经久不衰的吸引力让这部影片比以往任何时候都重要——如同一笔可靠的退休金,帮助时好时坏的电影业渡过不可避免的低潮。

    Shawshank 's ' enduring appeal on television has made it more important than ever -- a reliable annuity to help smooth the inevitable bumps in a hit-or-miss box-office business .

  23. 最近几年监狱题材的影视剧作品可谓蔚然成风,如电影《肖申克的救赎》和美国电视剧《越狱》的推出和风靡,让监狱题材一下子热门起来。

    In recent years , the theme of film works prison is come into fashion , such as shawshank redemption and American television prison break launch and fashionable , let a popular subject up .

  24. 《肖申克的救赎》上映多年以后,他把这张支票裱起来寄给达拉邦特,附带一张字条写着:“需要保释金的时候没准用得上。爱你的斯蒂夫。”

    Years after ' Shawshank ' came out , the author got the check framed and mailed it back to the director with a note inscribed : ' In case you ever need bail money . Love , Steve . '

  25. 20年前的9月上映时,《肖申克的救赎》的票房表现平平,但是后来开始自我救赎,在家庭录像市场找到了大量观众,随后成为有线电视上的常客。

    ' Shawshank ' was an underwhelming box-office performer when it hit theaters 20 years ago this September , but then it began to redeem itself , finding an audience on home video and later becoming a fixture on cable TV .

  26. 于是城堡岩石向达拉邦特提出了一项交易:若他同意将《肖申克的救赎》交给雷内尔,就可以得到几百万美元,并且保证可以导演另一部电影。

    So Castle Rock offered Mr. Darabont a ' pay-and-play ' deal under which he would get a few million dollars and a guarantee to direct another movie , if he agreed to turn ' Shawshank ' over to Mr. Reiner .

  27. 自从《肖申克的救赎》公映之后,此地的旅游业逐年增长。根据曼斯菲尔德/里奇兰县会议和旅游管理局的统计,2013年,该电影为本地带来了18000多位游客和大约300万美元的经济增长。

    Tourism has increased every year since Shawshank had its premiere ; according to the Mansfield / Richland County Convention and Visitors Bureau , the movie brought in more than 18,000 visitors , and produced an estimated $ 3 million boost to the local economy in 2013 .