
  1. 中科院青岛海洋生态研究所的肖天教授向本实验室赠送一株好氧海洋细菌YSC-1,该菌可在细胞内合成电子致密颗粒。

    Our lab got an aerobic ocean bacterium YSC-1 , donated by Pro . XIAO from Institute of Oceanology , Chinese Academy of Sciences . YSC-1 is able to synthesize electron dense particles in vivo .

  2. 肖天又说,他特别担心中国队在男子篮球等比赛项目上的实力。

    He added that he was particularly worried about the Chinese prowess in events such as men 's basketball .

  3. 肖天说,我认为此次我们获得的奖牌总数将不及北京奥运会。

    I don 't think we 'll have the same amount of medals as in Beijing , Mr. Xiao said .

  4. 中国体育代表团还提到,它希望中国运动员此次在伦敦的表现能够很好地展现体育道德和体育魅力,并激发出中国人对体育的更多热情。肖天说他希望这股热情也能够推动中国国内体育产业的发展。

    The delegation also mentioned that it hopes its performance in London will be a " very good demonstration of sports ethics and charisma , " and inspire more Chinese enthusiasm in sports , which Mr. Xiao said he hopes also will boost the sports industry back home .

  5. 中国体育代表团副团长肖天在奥运新闻中心告诉记者,他所做的分析表明,一个国家从奥运会东道主转变为非东道主后,其获得的金牌数一般会下降30%左右,他预计中国也将遵循这种模式。

    Xiao Tian , a deputy chef de mission for the Chinese , told reporters in the Olympic Media Center he performed an analysis that showed host countries from one Olympics historically medal in 32 % fewer events in the next Games , and said he expects China to follow the trend .