
  • 网络Short;Schott;Otto Schott
  1. 1923年,肖特先生也把他在肖特玻璃厂的股份交给了卡尔蔡司管理基金会。

    In1923 Schott also added his stock shares in the Glass Works to the foundation .

  2. 同时,米技和肖特公司绿色联盟的品牌合作项目在展会期间隆重启动。

    During the Fair Miji and Schott has launched the co-branding project " Green Alliance " .

  3. 肖特先生的行为勉强能接受。

    Mr Short 's behaviour is only on the cusp of acceptability .

  4. 肖特先生甚至没有进入世界前10名。

    Mr Short does not even rank in the world 's top ten .

  5. 我会开车去肖特山看看亚当斯夫人。

    I 'll run over to Short Mountain and check on Mrs Adams .

  6. 约翰•阿格里昂比(JohnAglionby)和詹姆斯•肖特(JamesShotter)补充报道

    Additional reporting by John Aglionby and James Shotter

  7. 联合睿康在周四表示,其子公司睿康股份(ReconHolding)将收购千禧年影业51%的股权。千禧年影业是阿维?勒纳(AviLerner)和特雷弗?肖特(TrevorShort)于1996年成立的一家独立电影制作公司。

    Recon said on Thursday that its Recon Holding subsidiary was acquiring a 51 per cent stake in Millennium , an independent film producer founded in 1996 by Avi Lerner and Trevor Short .

  8. 且该电路结构中肖特基二级管可在NMOSFET漏极直接制作肖特基金半接触来方便地实现,工艺简明可行又无须增加芯片面积。

    Also , the added schottky diode can be easily realized by schottky contact in the drain of the NMOSFET , which does not add chip area .

  9. 肖特曾是一名校长,如今则协助管理着该基金会小规模的核心管理团队。她认为,私营部门带给ULT的最有价值的影响是不找借口文化。

    As a former head now helping run the operation 's small central management team , she believes it is the no excuses culture that rubs off most valuably from all the private sector influences on ULT .

  10. 但是我们知道谁是肖特,谁是诺特。

    But we know who was Shott and who was Nott .

  11. 那么,这个叫肖特的家伙,他发出人身威胁了吗?

    Now , this shooter guy , he threaten your life ?

  12. 肖特小姐在那家商店给苏买了些鱼。

    Miss short bought some fish for Sue in the shop .

  13. 迈克尔.贝克和杰里米.肖特是做什么工作的?

    What are Michael Maker and Jeremy Short 's jobs ?

  14. 这位是迈克尔。贝克和杰里米。肖特。

    This is Michael Baker and this is Jeremy Short .

  15. 肖特现在还想不出一个好理由。

    Schulte can 't think of a good reason yet .

  16. 无论如何,肖特射倒的不是肖特而是诺特。

    However , the shot shott shot shot not shott but nott .

  17. 为了取代小姑娘朗,肖特宣布她将很快嫁给利特儿。

    To be little long , short announced she would marry little before long .

  18. 肖特说这件作品上共有1841个单独的笔画,每一笔都必须完美无瑕。

    He says there are1,841 separate engraved strokes , each of which must be perfect .

  19. 但利特儿很少想着肖特,他爱上了小姑娘朗。

    But little , thinking little of short , loved a little lass named long .

  20. 莫利.肖特说,像她负责的这类服务组织,近几年来由于联邦预算的减低,都深受其害。

    She adds that resettlement services have been severely hurt by federal budget cuts in recent years .

  21. 肖特推荐柔和的头发密度和油亮的格调,这就可以使脸庞缩水。

    Shorter recommends smooth textures and sleek styles , because they take volume away from the face .

  22. 根据利奇和肖特的分类,前景化可以分为质量型前景化和数量型前景化。

    According to Leech and Short , foregrounding can be classified into qualitative foregrounding and quantitative foregrounding .

  23. 蔡司和阿贝都依赖肖特的进展来促进蔡司公司产品的改进和提升。

    Zeiss and Abbe relied on Schott for advances that would make Zeiss product development and improvements possible .

  24. 格雷厄姆•肖特在刀刃上刻下了“一切皆有可能”的名言,其长度只有0.1毫米。

    Graham Short etched the motto " Nothing is impossible " which measures just a tenth of a millimetre .

  25. 如果肖特射中的是他自己,那么射倒的是肖特而不是诺特。

    But if the shot shott shot shot shott himself , then shott would be shot and nott would not .

  26. 长话短说,高个子肖特对大个子利特儿的爱会因利特儿爱小姑娘朗而减少吗?

    To make a long story short , did tall Short love big Little less because Little loved little Long more ?

  27. 肖特说,要避免的是刚好碰到颏部(下巴)的发型,这简直就能构成一张圆脸。

    What to avoid : Any cut that hits right at the chin , which will simply frame a round face , Shorter says .

  28. 夏建统将出任千禧年影业董事会主席,勒纳将担任首席执行官,肖特将成为首席运营官。

    Mr Xia will become chairman of the company , with Mr Lerner serving as chief executive and Mr Short becoming chief operating officer .

  29. 肖特表示,尽管粮食价格最近出现上涨,但实际价格仍然低于1975年的水平。

    Despite the recent rise in food prices , Mr Schulte says , in real terms , food prices are below where they were in 1975 .

  30. 本文介绍了西方文体学对人物话语及思想形式的分类,将模式分类纳入了文体学家利奇和肖特的语言学模式的框架内。

    In an effort to place the discussion in a systematic framework , the paper introduces a recognized model of speech and thought classification made by Leech and Short .