
  • Barbie Doll;Barbie Girl
  1. 哦,我的上帝,超级芭比娃娃。

    Oh , my God , it 's Capitol Barbie .

  2. 我想她可能还带着芭比娃娃四处跑呢。

    I wonder if she stiII carries a Barbie everywhere ?

  3. 其实,这家芭比娃娃和费雪(fisherprice)玩具的制造商没有犯什么大错。

    The maker of Barbie dolls and Fisher-Price toys did not actually do anything terribly wrong .

  4. Lily离开芭比娃娃就不能活。

    Lily can 't live without a Barbie doll .

  5. Jenny希望自己的生日礼物是她在商店里看过的那个漂亮的芭比娃娃。

    Jenny : I hope it 's that pretty Barbie doll I saw in the store !

  6. 他现在每月要从玩具商店、杂货拍卖会和eBay上买芭比娃娃,最多的时候有20个。

    Ow he buys up to 20 a month from toy shops , jumble sales and eBay .

  7. 撇开苹果粉不说,iPhone手机对每个人而言仅仅是一个二十世纪80年代的芭比娃娃&科技发达衍生的小女孩的小玩意。

    The iPhone , to everyone but an Apple lover , is merely a girlie gadget with all the technological sophistication of a 1980s Barbie .

  8. 不要认为芭比娃娃行业只有玩具,还有DVD,服装,饰品,化妆品,甚至还有专门的网站Barbiegirls.com。

    And don 't think that the Barbie line includes only dolls , there are DVDs , clothing , accessories , cosmetics and even Barbiegirls.com .

  9. 根据CBC新闻,芭比娃娃的销售额“自2012年起每年”都在下跌。

    Sales of Barbie dolls have been falling " every year since 2012 , " according to CBC News .

  10. 芭比娃娃制造商Mattel说,三美元的玩具没秒钟都有出售,自从初次登场以来已经改变了很多。

    Barbie manufacturer Mattel says three dolls are sold every second and she 's changed a lot since her debut .

  11. 他还承认会一阵阵感到无聊,也会想整理芭比娃娃(Barbie)和史努比(Snoopy)的DVD是徒劳的,因为知道自己的劳动成果很快就会被破坏掉。

    He also admits to bouts of boredom and reflects on the futility of organising Barbie and Snoopy DVDs , knowing his work will soon be undone .

  12. 虽然在许多女人眼里,我这方面做得并不值得称赞,因为现在在Vera的房间里还乱糟糟地塞满了卡哇伊的芭比娃娃。

    In a lot of women 's eyes I 've probably already failed in that respect due to the amount of pink-princess-Barbie mess cluttering up Vera 's room right now .

  13. 公告板上简明地列出了沃尔特·迪斯尼(WaltDisney)、发明家詹姆斯·瓦特(JamesWatt)、无线电先驱古列尔莫·马可尼(GuglielmoMarconi)等来自不同领域的榜样的履历,还阐述了玩具制造商美泰(Mattel)是如何把芭比娃娃变成昂贵藏品的。

    The display offered brief biographies of an eclectic set of role models - including Walt Disney , the inventor James Watt and the radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi - and explained how the toy manufacturer Mattel has turned Barbie dolls into valuable collector 's items .

  14. 棕色是一个芭比娃娃头发的颜色。

    Brown is the colour of a Barbie doll 's hair .

  15. 信息标题:我们想购买收藏的芭比娃娃。

    Leads Title : We like to buy collectable barbie dolls .

  16. 这款新的芭比娃娃将于新的面孔问世,而且看起来更自然。

    The doll 's new face has a more natural look .

  17. 这比做芭比娃娃的剪纸有趣多了。

    It was a lot more fun than Barbie-doll paper cutouts .

  18. 拉赞娃娃看起来与芭比娃娃或其他女孩子的玩具都不同,

    Razanne looks different from Barbies and other dolls for girls .

  19. 一方面,分析了作为时尚玩具的芭比娃娃本身。

    On the one hand , it analyzes the doll itself .

  20. 该庆祝仪式在芭比娃娃制造商的困难时期进行。

    The celebration comes amid tough times of Barbie 's maker .

  21. 很多女人都想长成芭比娃娃一样。

    There are many women who want to look like this . '

  22. 不久之后,太空人芭比娃娃闪亮登陆在玩具店的货架上。

    Not long afterward , astronaut Barbie landed on toy store shelves .

  23. 我认为芭比娃娃会一直受欢迎。

    I thought the Barbie doll would always be successful .

  24. 粉色马布里芭比娃娃遥控船

    A Malibu Barbie with a pink , remote-control Corvette ,

  25. 芭比娃娃品牌的销售额下降了3%。

    Sales of the Barbie brand were up 3 % .

  26. 那是给男孩子玩的,你有芭比娃娃吗?

    That 's for boys . don 't you have any barbies ?

  27. 但是分析人员称,芭比娃娃在中国的销量非常低。

    But analysts said sales to Chinese consumers were poor .

  28. 小伙伴们买漂亮的芭比娃娃时,白婉怡却在收集岩石。

    While her peers bought beautiful Barbie dolls , Bai collected rocks .

  29. 研究人员从一组女孩挑选3个芭比娃娃中的1个进行了测试。

    Researchers had groups of girls play with one of three dolls .

  30. 一般的小女孩都非常喜欢芭比娃娃。

    Most normal little girls go wild over Barbie dolls .