
  • 网络Animal worship;Zoolatry
  1. 而图腾文化的式微、动物崇拜思想的衰落、中土儒、道、释等思想的浸染,正是促使其变迁的文化因素。

    The wane of the totem culture , the decline of the animal worship and the influence of the ideas of Ru , Dao and Shi in central China were the cultural factors that lead to the changes .

  2. 论我国通古斯诸民族神话传说中的动物崇拜

    Remarks on the Animal Cult in the Various Tungusic Tales

  3. 在壮族的原始宗教中,有多元自然崇拜,也有鸟、蛙和牛等动物崇拜。

    In Zhuang original religion , there are many-sided natural worship , birds , frogs and oxen worship .

  4. 这些功能和内涵主要表现为实用与审美装饰、原始巫术、动物崇拜和图腾崇拜等方面。

    Such functions and contexts were mainly revealed in purposes of practical usages , artistic decoration , primitive witchcrafts , animal worships , and totemic worships , etc.

  5. 很多学者认为是源于对动物的崇拜。

    Many scholars think that it originated from the worship to animals .

  6. 傣族的动物图腾崇拜融汇着傣族先民对图腾动物和对祖先的崇拜,寄寓着傣族先民对生存、发展的欲望。

    Classical Dai literature reflected the creature totem of the ancestors , like cattle totem , bird totem , dragon totem , elephant totem and tiger totem and so on .

  7. 由于时代的久远和知识的匮乏,先民基于对虹的想像认为虹是双首龙,先民观念中的虹与远古龙蛇类动物图腾崇拜有着密切的关系。

    Because of the remote era and deficient knowledge , the people lived in ancient times believed that the rainbow was dragon with two heads on the basis of their imagination .

  8. 江华瑶族民间宗教信仰主要分为四个部分:多种形式的自然崇拜、表现多样的动物神崇拜、独具风格的鬼神崇拜、注重用仪式表现的祖先崇拜。

    Jianghua Yao ethnic civil religion is divided into four parts : Show various forms of nature worship ; variety of animal worship ; stylish spirit worship ritual manifestations with emphasis on ancestor worship .

  9. 十二生肖反映了当时人类对动物的崇拜,体现了早期人类与动物的亲善关系,这种天人合一、人与动物和谐共处的自然观,对于现代社会的发展起着积极的指导意义。

    Zodiac was reflected on the human animal worship , reflects the early humans and animals Goodwill , this harmony between man and nature , between people and animals live in harmony view of nature , the development of modern society plays an active guiding significance .

  10. 动物·图腾·崇拜

    Animal , Totem and Worship