
  • 网络cyprus
  1. 0但其中有的是居比路和古利奈人,他们到了安提阿,也向希利尼人讲论,传主耶稣为福音。

    0 but there were some of them , men of Cyprus and cyrene , who came to Antioch and spoke also to the greeks , announcing the Lord Jesus as the gospel .

  2. 但内中有居比路,和古利奈人,他们到了安提阿,也向希利尼人传讲主耶稣。(有古卷作也向说希利尼话的犹太人传讲主耶稣)

    20Some of them , however , men from Cyprus and Cyrene , went to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also , telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus .