
jū mín qū
  • residential area;a housing estate
居民区 [jū mín qū]
  • [village] 任何由各种各样的住所及与之有关建筑构成的建筑群;特指向人们(如需要特殊照料的儿童)提供小群的单幢住所的机构

  1. 前天晚上,一家兵工厂被炸,不远处的居民区也被夷为平地。

    A factory making armaments had been bombed the night before and a residential area not far away had been pulverized .

  2. 文摘:通过分析上川口居民区与马平高速公路线位的位置关系,对公路营运期间交通噪声对上川口居民区的影响进行了预测,并根据预测结果对该地区今后的发展规划提出了建议。

    Abstract : through the analysis of the locations of the Shangchuankou residential area and the Maping expressway , the impact of traffic noise on Shangchuankou in service period of the highway is forecasted and the developing programming is proposed based on the forecasted result .

  3. 她行走到莫纳卡拉的一个居民区附近时遭人攻击。

    The attacker struck as she was walking near a housing estate at Monacurra

  4. 每个居民区都有自己的侦探组织,他们向当局汇报陌生人的情况。

    Each neighborhood had its own organization of snoops who reported strangers to the authorities .

  5. 芳邦大学是一所文科大学,位于圣路易斯市郊的居民区。

    Fontbonne is a liberal arts college , located in a residential suburb of St. Louis .

  6. 越来越多的汽车被车主扔在路边或者停车场不管,引来很多社区和居民区住户的抱怨。其中有报废汽车,也有受损后没修理的车辆。

    An increasing number of vehicles have been abandoned by their owners at roadsides and in car parks , leading to complaints from residents in many communities and housing estates .

  7. 途中投放菠萝、玉米等食物近180吨,在象群侵扰居民区期间,未造成人、象受伤。

    Nearly 180 metric tons of food , including pineapples and corn , has been fed to the herd , Wan said . Even as they encroached on communities , none of the elephants or people were injured .

  8. 基于纹理特征的高分辨率SAR影像居民区提取

    Residential Areas Extraction In High Resolution SAR Image Based on Texture Features

  9. 基于GIS的杭州市居民区土壤重金属污染现状及空间分异研究

    GIS-Assisted Assessment and Spatial Variation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils of Residential Areas of Hangzhou City

  10. 半定量风险评价技术在居民区埋地LPG管道中的应用

    Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment Application on Buried LPG Pipeline System of the Residential Area

  11. 土壤Cu含量为商业区工业区居民区公共绿地农业区。

    The Cu content of the soil sizes as : Business district Industrial areas Residential areas Public green Agricultural areas .

  12. TD-SCDMA网络居民区深度覆盖的策略研究

    The Strategy and Program Design of TD-SCDMA Network Deep Coverage in Residential Area

  13. 由于受纳污染物类型和总量上的差异,香花桥镇水网中小河流氮磷污染程度还存在明显的空间分异:居民区附近的小河流受NH4~+和P的污染很重;

    Spatial variations of N and P pollution have been observed , as the creeks in different places accepted different types and amounts of pollutants .

  14. 居民区土壤中Cd、Co、Cr和Ni主要以稳定的残余态为主;而Cu、Pb、Zn和Mn则以可提取态为主。

    Cadmium , Co , Cr and Ni were mainly associated with residual fraction , while Cu , Pb , Zn and Mn were majorly extractable fractions .

  15. 老格林威治社区位于格林威治镇的西北部边缘,与斯坦福德(Stamford)交界,并伸入长岛湾(LongIslandSound),是一个有单独邮政编码的普查指定居民区。

    A census-designated place with its own ZIP code , Old Greenwich occupies the southeastern edge of the town of Greenwich , bordering Stamford and extending into Long Island Sound .

  16. 在萨里郡通勤居民区ShamleyGreen村,50只猫咪被戴上了GPS追踪器,当这些猫咪在夜间潜行时,这些追踪器可以准备定位它们的位置,误差仅为几厘米。

    In the Surrey commuter-belt village of Shamley Green , 50 pet moggies were fitted with GPS trackers that pinpointed their position to within a few centimetres as they prowled on their nightly rounds .

  17. 外层的X射线和炽热的等离子气体将继续向上向外扩张,将挡球网、双方队伍、看台以及周围的居民区一一吞没——而这些都将发生在球被掷出后的第一个毫秒内。

    The shell of x-rays and superheated plasma would expand outward and upward , swallowing the backstop , both teams , the stands , and the surrounding neighborhood-all in the first microsecond .

  18. 不同功能区土样中PAHs含量高低顺序为工业区居民区风景区农业区。

    Total concentrations of PAHs in soil samples from different functional zones decreased in the order of industrial areas residential areas scenic areas agricultural fields .

  19. 突显它们继续支持阿萨德政权的一个举动是,两国周四否决了西方国家支持的一项联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)决议,该决议案要求叙利亚政府从居民区撤出部队,否则就将实施制裁。

    Underlining their continued support for the regime , they vetoed a western-backed UN Security Council resolution yesterday that would have imposed sanctions on the government and forced it to pull troops out of populated areas .

  20. 土壤Mn含量以居民区最高,然后依次为工业区、公共绿地、商业区、农业区,各功能区之间差异不大。

    The differences between the various functional areas of Cr content are not significant . The Mn content of the soil sizes as : Residential areas Industrial areas Public green Business district Agricultural area .

  21. 由于硫酸厂多位于居民区农田附近,T1污染所引起的生态环境的恶化,直接关系到公众健康利益。

    The sulfur acid plant usually lies in the residential area , so ecology environment deteriorate by Tl pollutant will directly related with behalf of public health .

  22. 这趟搬家仅仅是向南移了3英里,来到了南洛斯阿尔托斯(SouthLosAltos)一处由杏树果园改造成的毫无特色的居民区。

    The move was only three miles to the south , to a former apricot orchard in Los Altos that had been turned into a subdivision of cookie-cutter tract homes .

  23. NO3-N、NO2-N的平均EMC值顺序为:交通区>工业区>商业区>居民区;

    The order of mean EMCs of N0_3-N NO_2-N is : traffic area > industrial area > commercial area > residential area .

  24. 联合国(UN)为叙利亚拟定的和平计划周日遭受严重挫折。叙利亚政府表示,除非反政府武装拿出书面停火保证,否则它将不会从居民区完全撤军。

    The UN peace plan for Syria received a serious blow on Sunday when Damascus said it would not complete its pullback of forces from populated areas until it had written ceasefire guarantees from the rebels .

  25. 在香港湾仔区一栋大楼里发现了两具女尸之后,警方上周六拘留了这位前美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)员工。湾仔区是个居民区,那里的夜生活享有盛名,吸引了很多银行业人士。

    Police detained the former Bank of America Merrill Lynch employee on Saturday after the bodies were found in a complex in Hong Kong 's Wan Chai district , a residential area known for its nightlife and popular among bankers .

  26. 方法采集不同级别医疗机构120份垃圾样品,实验室检测细菌总数、大肠菌群、肠道致病菌和乙肝表面抗原(HbsAg),同时采集居民区垃圾60份作为对照。

    Methods 120 garbage samples of different medical institutions and 60 garbage samples of residential area are simultaneously selected to check and measure the number of bacteria , coliform bacteria , intestinal canal pathogenetic bacteria and HBsAg in the lab.

  27. 日本政府估计,如果不采取任何措施,到2050年,20%的居民区将成为鬼城。而根据野村证券(Nomura)的估计,到2023年五分之一的房屋将会空置。

    Without any action , the government estimates 20 per cent of residential areas will become ghost towns by 2050 , while Nomura reckons one in five homes will be empty by 2023 .

  28. 继而进一步研究SAR图像中显著结构的提取问题,提出了一种以修正多尺度基本地形构架为特征的区域型目标检测方法,应用于SAR图像上居民区的检测取得了预期的结果。

    Then extraction of distinct structures from SAR image are studied , and a detection method of multi-scale features is developed , which is called as Topographical Primal Sketch ( TPS ) . Based on it , a new algorithm is presented for detecting point-set targets .

  29. 另外商业区初雨径流中COD、SS、TN、NH4+-N浓度均高于其他功能区,工业区初雨径流中TP浓度高于商业区和居民区。

    Min runoff were below grade ⅴ of surface water environment standard . In initial runoff of commercial district , the concentrations of COD , SS , TN and NH + 4-N are higher than those of other districts as well as the concentration of TP in industrial district .

  30. 为探索社区儿童气质结构的因素特征,采用Thomas和Chess儿童气质父母问卷(PTQ)对阳泉城区新华西街7个居民区107名3岁儿童的气质特征进行问卷评定。

    To explore the factor traits for the structure of residential area children 's temperament used Thomas and Chess Parent temperament Question ( PTQ ) was rated by 107 cases 3 years old children of Xinhua west-street of the city proper in Yangquan .