
zhuān yè jì shù rén yuán
  • Professional and technical personnel;personnel in a specific technical field
  1. 结果:全市7县(市)疾控中心:检验人员占专业技术人员的比重为15.0%;

    Results : There are 7 county ( city ) - level centers for disease control and prevention in Qingyuan city : the rate of hygienic inspectors in personnel in a specific technical field was 15.0 % .

  2. 党员队伍中,企事业单位、社会组织管理人员1061万名、占11.2%,专业技术人员1500多万名、占15.8%。党的组织体系日趋严密

    Among the CPC members , 10.61 million are management personnel in enterprises , public institutions and social organizations , while 15 million are professional and technical personnel , making up 11.2 percent and 15.8 percent of the total respectively .

  3. 本文对于从事机电一体化系统设计及PLC软件编程设计专业技术人员具有一定的参考意义。

    This paper can be used as reference for technician and designer working in PLC programming and electromechanical system design .

  4. 并拥有数台注塑机,聚氨酯PU发泡机,和齐全的模具制作设备及一批优秀的专业技术人员。

    Die with many years experience in the development and production of PU foam , a senior enterprise .

  5. 结论医院相关专业技术人员应重视ADR监测工作,促进临床合理用药。

    Conclusion The technologist in hospital should attach the stress to monitoring ADR for facilitating the rational use of clinical drug .

  6. 添加数据驱动的元素让Web站点能够更加灵活、让非专业技术人员或Web站点的所有者也能对站点内容(文本和图形)进行更改。

    Adding a data-driven element to this formula makes your Web sites even more flexible , allowing non-technical personnel or the Web site 's owner to make content ( both text and graphics ) changes to the site .

  7. 另外,注册企业还可以通过技术论坛进行交流或者在线咨询ASP中心的专业技术人员,解决企业的技术难题,以弥补中小企业技术薄弱的不足。

    In addition , the authorized enterprise can communicate in the technology forum , or consult the online expert of the ASP center to work out their technology problems .

  8. 尽管本教程面向所有不同级别的UNIX专业技术人员,但如果您至少对UNIX文件系统具有基本的了解,那么这将是很有帮助的

    Although this tutorial is written for all levels of UNIX expertise , it 's helpful if you have at least a rudimentary understanding of the UNIX file system

  9. GG5135型X射线安全检查设备的外壳板和部件只能被有资格的专业技术人员打开!

    GG5135 X-ray security check equipment and components shell plate can only be a qualified professional and technical personnel to open !

  10. 本研究通过与专业技术人员的对话和详细的市场调查,对LED光源技术做了较为深入的了解,对当下市场上的LED客厅灯具做了详尽的分析。

    Through the research and professional and technical personnel of the dialogue and detailed market survey , the LED light source technology to do a more in-depth understanding of the LED , the living room lamps on the market at present is analyzed in detail .

  11. 初步分析,CQ油田公司在专业技术人员激励方面采取一系列措施,并取得一定的效果。

    On the basis of the preliminary analysis of , CQ Oilfield Company in professional and technical personnel has taken a series of incentive measures have achieved certain results .

  12. CDGJE拥有多名钻石珠宝首饰和网络领域的专家、国家注册珠宝玉石质检师(CGC)和电子商务师等专业技术人员。

    CDGJE has experts in the fields of diamond & jewelry and e-commerce , including Registered Qualification Certified Gemologist ( CGC ), etc.

  13. 希望通过对TG钢铁公司专业技术人员激励机制的研究,能够形成一套良好的激励机制,达到更大程度地吸引人才,激励人才,从而增强企业竞争力的目的。

    Hope to form a well motivation mechanism in TG iron-steel corporation by this research of motivation mechanism of professional technician in order to attract , motivate talented people to the most extent , aiming to improve the competition capability of the corporation .

  14. CQ油田公司在人才激励方面还存在一些问题,如激励手段单一,平均主义思想严重,造成专业技术人员激励不足。

    However , incentives , there are still some human resources problems in CQ Oilfield company , such as incentives single , The average distribution of Thought seriously , resulting in insufficient incentives for professional and technical personnel .

  15. SLG电业有限公司机关单位拥有大批管理和专业技术人员,随着电力体制改革的逐步推进,SLG电业有限公司充分认识到,要将人才优势转化为管理优势和技术优势。

    SLG Power Supply Company Ltd departments and units have a large number of management and professional technical personnel , with the reform power gradually pushed forward , SLG Power Supply Company Ltd is fully aware that to turn talent into management advantages and technical advantages .

  16. 企业专业技术人员考核体系研究

    The Studying on System for Specialized Technical Personnel Evaluation in Enterprise

  17. 女性专业技术人员退休问题的法律与政策解读

    Analysis of Legislation and Policy on the Retirement of Female Professionals

  18. 知识经济对专业技术人员的冲撞和作用

    The impact and effect of knowledge economy on special technical personnel

  19. 军队医院聘用制卫生专业技术人员招聘与管理探讨

    Discussion on Contract System of Medical Staff in Military Hospital

  20. 医院专业技术人员年度考核工作的思考

    Discussion on the annual check for hospital professional technical personnel

  21. 专业技术人员学习英语方法浅析

    Analysis on method of studying English of professional technical personnel

  22. 探索专业技术人员继续教育创新的途径

    Exploration of Means of Continuing Education Innovation for Technical Personnel

  23. 计算机辅助专业技术人员多指标考核的模糊综合评价

    A Computer-AID Fuzzy Evaluation in Multi-criteria Examination on the Professionals

  24. 专业技术人员知识更新补缺的研究

    The Study on Renewing Knowledge and Supplementing Knowledge of Special Technical Personnel

  25. 关于建立和完善专业技术人员培养使用激励机制的思考

    Establishment & Improvement of Incentive Mechanisms for Training and Utilizing Technical Professionals

  26. 医院感染管理专业技术人员素质建设的思考

    Thinking about the professional quality building in hospital infection control

  27. 专业技术人员职称评价的社会化研究

    A Study on the Socialization of Academic Title Evaluation of Professional Personnel

  28. 法庭如何看待科学专业技术人员和政府机构对科学的使用?

    How do the courts treat scientific expertise and agencies'use of science ?

  29. 专业技术人员需求量巨大,尤其是在快速增长的经济体中。

    Specialist skills are in high demand , particularly in fast-growing economies .

  30. 交通设计企业专业技术人员绩效考核方法研究

    Study on Performance Evaluation Method for Technical Professionals of Communication Design Enterprises