
  • 网络medical and health institution
  1. 目的调查并分析我国医疗卫生机构血源性病原体职业防护制度和防护用品的使用情况,为制定血源性病原体职业暴露防护标准提供技术支持。

    Objective Through investigating current protection regulations of blood-borne pathogens and use of protective devices in medical and health institution in China , to provide technical support for protection standard of blood-borne pathogens .

  2. 与耐抗生素菌株一样,由于畜牧业、食品生产企业、医疗卫生机构及社区家庭中广泛地不合理地使用着消毒剂,抗消毒剂菌株也陆续出现。

    The same as bacteria resistance to antibiotics , the emergence of bacteria resistance to disinfectant is due to the abusing of disinfectant in animal husbandry , food production enterprises , medical and health institution and other area .

  3. 此次修法规定医疗卫生机构应当开展优生优育知识宣传教育并提供相关服务。

    It adds that medical facilities nationwide should launch awareness campaigns on promoting reproductive health and providing services in this respect .

  4. 所有基层医疗卫生机构均应当严格落实预检分诊,确保实现对发热患者的登记、筛查、隔离、报告、治疗、转诊等功能。

    Such primary-level clinics should conduct pre-examination triage and ensure those with fever have access to services including registration , screening , quarantine , report , treatment and transfer .

  5. 浙江省1995~2002年医疗卫生机构AIDS检验专业培训情况分析

    Analysis of professional training for AIDS testing in medical institutions in Zhejiang from 1995 to 2002

  6. 结果1.2009&2012年各样本基层医疗卫生机构总体效率TE值在年度与机构间均存在较大差距,随着年度的变化各机构的总体效率以及年度效率均值呈现上升态势。

    There were big gaps between different years and institution-to-institution TE values of the sample grassroots medical and health institutions . The mean values of overall efficiency of institutions and annual efficiency showed an upward trend along with the annual changes . 2 .

  7. 方法:按国标GB15981-1995对所有医疗卫生机构的消毒质量进行检测。

    Methods : GB15981-1995 was used to examine disinfection and sterilization quality of all medical and health institutions .

  8. 鸡西市医疗卫生机构医疗废物现状及对策

    Status and countermeasure of medical waste management of Jixi medical institution

  9. 某区农村医疗卫生机构消毒效果分析

    Analysis of disinfect efficacy in rural health organization of a district

  10. 医疗卫生机构涉税分析与税收筹划

    Tax analysis and its revenue design in medical care institutions

  11. 医疗卫生机构改制上市的策略

    Strategies for medical and health institutions to transform ownerships and go public

  12. 河南省医疗卫生机构专业人员业务素质分析

    Analysis of the quality of medical personnel in Henan Province

  13. 医疗卫生机构计量管理工作中薄弱环节的分析

    The AnalySiS on Weakness of Measure Management in Medical and Health institutions

  14. 其他医疗卫生机构也必须通过类似机制采购基本药物。

    Other clinics would also have to buy these medicines through similar mechanisms .

  15. 2007年邹平县乡村医疗卫生机构消毒效果调查

    Investigation on Disinfection Effect in Rural Medical Institutes of Zouping County in 2007

  16. 我国公立医疗卫生机构人员工资的国内国际比较

    Domestic and International Comparison of Physicians ' Wage in China 's Public Sector

  17. 结果:1.吉林省农村医疗卫生机构的分布。

    Distribution of rural health institutions in Jilin Province .

  18. 军队医疗卫生机构科研管理方法研究

    The Study of Scientific Research Management Methods in Military Medical and Health Institute

  19. 贵阳市医疗卫生机构生长发育标准使用情况调查

    Application Scenario of Growth Standards in Medical and Health Care Organizations in Guizhou

  20. 枣庄市峄城区医疗卫生机构消毒质量监测报告

    Monitoring of sterilization quality in medical organizations in Yicheng District of Zaozhuang City

  21. 我国农村贫困地区县级医疗卫生机构人力现状

    The State of Health Workforce of County Institutions in Rural Poverty-Stricken Region of China

  22. 太原市医疗卫生机构及医务人员艾滋病诊断能力现状研究

    Research on Diagnostic Capabilities of Medical & Health Institutions and Medical Workers in Taiyuan

  23. 云南省医疗卫生机构STD/AIDS专业培训需求调查分析

    A survey of STD / AIDS professional training needs in medical institutions in Yunnan

  24. 牡丹江市医疗卫生机构消毒质量检测结果分析

    Disinfection quality inspection results analysis of medical institution in Mudanjiang from 2005 to 2007

  25. 认真落实全国卫生工作会议精神切实抓好医疗卫生机构评审工作

    Develop Hospital Accreditation Work in the Spirit of the National Conference on Health Service

  26. 基层医疗卫生机构消毒隔离现状与对策

    Disinfection and Isolation in Basic Medical and Health Institutions : Current Situation Issues and Countermeasures

  27. 医疗卫生机构内部和谐度评价模型的构建

    Construction of the model for evaluating the degree of the health-care agencies ' internal harmony

  28. 界定了农村基层医疗卫生机构的含义、特征和构成。

    Define the countryside basic medical and health institutions the definition , characteristics and composition .

  29. 基层医疗卫生机构;

    Basic medical and health institutions ;

  30. 治疗费、针药费是构成2县特困高危孕产妇住院分娩服务费用的主要分项费用,且不同医疗卫生机构的这两项费用占总费用的比例存在较大的差异;

    Treatment fee and drug fee are the two major components contributed to the whole expenditure ;