
  • 网络medical assistance;medical aid
  1. 世界卫生组织(WHO)已在与西非各国政府协调地区行动,医疗援助机构“无国界医生组织”(MedecinsSansFrontieres)与一些较小的西方医疗慈善机构一起,也积极参与到抗击埃博拉病毒的行动中。

    The World Health Organisation is already co-ordinating regional action with west African governments , and the medical assistance body M é decins Sans Fronti è res is active in the fight against Ebola , alongside some smaller western health charities .

  2. 为一名叫做伊芙琳马丁的寻求医疗援助。

    Requesting medical assistance for an Evelyn martin .

  3. 旅行医疗援助公司隶属于国际SOS救援中心就这个话题最近成立了一个非常有益的和易于操作的专门网站。

    International SOS , a travel medical-assistance firm , has also created a very useful and easy-to-maneuver site specifically on this topic .

  4. 夫妻俩共同养育了四个孩子,其间朱利欧加入了PAMS组织,对极需医疗援助的秘鲁伸出援手。

    As their family grew with four children , Julio joined PAMS , giving help to a country who needed the medical help badly .

  5. PAMS(秘鲁裔美国人医学协会)在秘鲁的阿班凯发起的医疗援助活动进行到第二天时,我们已经对这一切习以为常,并且能充分利用医院里仅有的那点资源了。

    By the second day of a medical mission hosted by PAMS ( Peruvian American Medical Society ) in Abancay , Peru , it was easy to start adapting and taking advantage of what we did have inside the hospital .

  6. 我们正在提供直接的医疗援助,加强医院的收治能力。

    We are providing direct medical services and improving hospital readiness .

  7. 从而最终会对为妇女提供医疗援助构成障碍。

    This ultimately poses an obstacle to get medical aid for women .

  8. 联合国:利比亚最急需的是医疗援助。

    UN : Medical aid most urgent priority in Libya .

  9. 在紧急情况下会有医疗援助。

    Medical a is a in case of ane .

  10. 美国的食品和医疗援助也将继续。

    U.S.food and health assistance will also continue .

  11. 这家人目前希望可以得到医疗援助。

    The family are now hoping to be offered some kind of medical support .

  12. 因此,女性健康求医者会犹豫不决,并且不愿意得到男性专业人员的医疗援助。

    So female health seekers hesitate and feel reluctant to get medical aid from male professionals .

  13. 如果在所有外,还有其他的异常,那么将需要医疗援助。

    If at all , there are other abnormalities , then one would need medical assistance .

  14. 在过去的一周中,中国医务人员为3000多名患者提供了医疗援助。

    Over the past week , Chinese medical staff have given medical assistance to over 3-thousand patients .

  15. 为这个遭受气旋袭击的国家提供搜救支持、医疗援助以及防疫援助。

    carrying out search and rescue support , medical aid and epidemic assistance for the cyclone-hit country .

  16. 目前,有250万人急需水、食物、住处和医疗援助。

    Now 2.5 million people are in urgent need of water , food , shelter and medical assistance .

  17. 但无国界医生组织已经将数吨医疗援助设备运往该地区准备抗击疫情。

    But Doctors without Borders is proactively flying in tons of medical aid and equipment to fight the epidemic .

  18. 凯若琳说在他们所在的大楼根本没有救援人员或是医疗援助来帮助那些被困的人。

    Ms Larnach says there are no rescue or medical workers at the building to help those who are trapped .

  19. 常常会激情地募捐大规模的医疗援助,而没有关于重点需求的指导。

    Very often an emotional appeal for massive medical assistance is issued without guidance on what are the priority needs .

  20. 肯尼亚的一个医疗援助项目为妇幼瘘管患者提供了希望。

    A medical aid program in Kenya offers hope to women and girls suffering from a condition known as fistula .

  21. 同时,他们无力负担私人健康保险,或他们不具医疗援助的资格。

    At the same time , they can not afford private health insurance or they are not eligible for medicaid .

  22. 澳洲外交部长亚历山大?唐纳宣布捐给缅甸与三百八十万美元等值的食物及医疗援助。

    Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer announces a contribution of US $ 3.8 million in food and medical aid to Myanmar .

  23. 调查医疗援助的使用和流向,其中包括资源在各个国家和子行业间的分配。

    To examine how health aid is spent and channelled , including the distribution of resources across countries and between subsectors .

  24. 一名政府官员表示,医疗援助已经被派往三个西北省份接收受伤者的医院。

    A government official says medical assistance is being dispatched to hospitals in the three northwestern provinces which had received the injured .

  25. 我爸爸为一个食品组织工作。这个组织经常到偏远地区提供食品、医疗援助和娱乐服务。

    My dad works for a food organization that travels to rural areas to offer food , medical assistance as well as entertainment .

  26. 这些救援人员可以在有需要的地方组织食物、药品的供应以及医疗援助。

    These aid workers can organize the supply of food , medicine and medical help , right there , where it is needed .

  27. 随同专家抵达的还有部分医疗援助物资,包括检测试剂盒、个人防护设备以及呼吸机。

    Some medical aid also arrived in the country along with the experts , including testing kits , personal protective equipment and ventilators .

  28. 这项技术能使医疗援助小组在极短时间内了解到地处偏远乡村地区人们的健康状况。

    It allows the medical aid group to learn a lot about the health of people in remote , rural communities in very little time .

  29. 现在,这位医生渴望在基本医疗援助太过昂贵承担不起的国家帮助传播他的专业知识及培训。

    Now , the doctor is eager to help spread his expertise and training in a country where basic medical assistance is still too costly for most .

  30. 中方就提供医疗援助一事一直与菲方保持沟通。一旦条件许可,中方救援力量将立即奔赴菲灾区参与救援。

    China has maintained communication with the Philippines on the issue of medical assistance , and Chinese rescuers will set off for the disaster-hit areas immediately once conditions permit .