
  • 网络Medical Statistics;Statistics of Medicine;STATISTICS IN MEDICINE
  1. 《医学统计学》假设检验动态web教学系统的设计及应用

    Design and application about dynamic web teaching system of 《 Medical Statistics 》 hypothesis test

  2. 应用SPSS统计软件,提高医学统计学教学质量

    Improving the quality of medical statistics teaching with SPSS software

  3. SAS统计软件在医学统计学教学中的应用

    The application of SAS software to the teaching of medical statistics

  4. 多媒体与SPSS在医学统计学教学中的应用

    Application of multimedia techniques and SPSS software in the teaching of medical statistics

  5. SPSS软件在医学统计学教学中应用的探讨

    The Application of SPSS in Teaching of Medical Statistics

  6. 利用Excel函数功能构造四格表卡方计算工具在医学统计学中的应用

    Application of using Excel function to make fourfold table chi square calculating tool in medical statistics

  7. 目的探讨SPSS软件对医学统计学教学的作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of SPSS to the teaching of medical statistics .

  8. 依据医学统计学原理中的判别分析法进一步系统分析MR图像对于是否海绵窦侵袭型垂体瘤的诊断意义。

    Based on them , the valuable factors for diagnosing the invasion of cavernous sinus was acquired and the efficacy of MR images was surged to approach with discriminant analysis .

  9. 方法以全国高等院校医学统计学本科教材为依据,采用MicrosoftVisualFoxPro6.0为开发语言,开发一个操作简单的可视化统计软件。

    Methods An easy handling visual statistic software was completed with Microsoft Visual Foxpro 6.0 , in accordance with undergraduate course teaching material of nation-wide medical academy .

  10. 结论使用SPSS软件来辅助医学统计学教学的方法对提高医学统计学的教学效果有重要的意义,值得推广。

    Conclusion Application of SPSS in teaching of medical statistics will have far-reaching effect upon the teaching of medical statistics , which is worth extending .

  11. 《体育统计学》教学中应用PowerPoint的探索从素质教育谈中医专业医学统计学教学改革

    Exploring on Applying Powerpoint in Physical Education Statistics Teaching ; Discussing Medical Statistics Teaching Reform in Chinese Medical Science Specialty by Diathesis Teaching

  12. 笔者认为“骨度同身寸”之思想,活体计算机断层扫描摄影(ct)定位针刺深度和角度与医学统计学相结合的方法确有其科学性和临床应用价值。

    The author considers that the bone measurement and proportional unit of the body , intravital CT for the ascertaining the depth and the angle of acupuncture combined with statistics do have their scientific entity and a value in the clinical use .

  13. 试述在中医院校设置医学统计学课程的重要性

    Importance of Offering Medical Statistics Course in Traditional Chinese Medical Colleges

  14. 医学统计学教学改革及数理统计衔接教学探讨

    Reform of Medical Statistics Teaching and Connecting with Mathematical Statistics Teaching

  15. 通过医学统计学教学提高医学生的科学实践能力

    Improving Medical Students ' Scientific Research Practice Ability by Statistical Teaching

  16. 从医学统计学角度评价医疗器械临床试验

    Evaluation on Clinical Trial of Medical Devices Based on Medical Statistics

  17. 科研能力导向型医学统计学研究生课程教学改革的实践

    Scientific research ability oriented medical statistics graduate curriculum teaching reform practices

  18. 研究生医学统计学教学方法改革的若干思考

    Certain think of teaching method improvement of postgraduate student 's medical statistics

  19. 假设检验是《医学统计学》课程的重点和难点。

    Hypothesis test is the emphases and difficulty of Medical Statistics course .

  20. 如何提高医学统计学本科教学质量探讨

    How to improve teaching quality of medical statistics for undergraduate

  21. 医学统计学的基本概念与科研设计、统计分析方法概述

    A review of basic statistics concepts , research design and statistical analysis methods

  22. 某医药杂志的医学统计学应用情况及分析

    Knowledge on medicine applying and analysis of medical statistics in a medical magazine

  23. 适应计算机时代特点的医学统计学教学改革探索

    Exploration of education reform in medical statistics course suited to ear of computer

  24. 医学统计学教学方法改革的探讨

    Discussion of Teaching Methods Reform for Medical Statistics

  25. 熵论在医学统计学教学中的应用

    The APPlication of Entropy in Medical Statistics Teaching

  26. 加强医学统计学教学工作的几点思考

    Thoughts on strengthening teaching work of medical statistics

  27. 案例教学法在医学统计学秩和检验中的应用和探索

    Application and Exploration of Case-based Teaching Method in Rank Sum Test of Medical Statistics

  28. 统计专业本科生基础医学统计学教学的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice in Teaching of Fundamental Medical Statistics for Undergraduates Majoring in Statistics

  29. 应用课题研究性实习对医学统计学实习课程改革的效果评价

    Evaluation on the effectiveness of research and training in the curriculum reform on medical statistics

  30. 医学统计学实验教学探讨

    Discussion on Medical Statistics Experiment Teaching