
  • 网络medical image analysis;biomedical image analysis
  1. 图像分割在医学图像分析中起着至关重要的作用。

    Image segmentation plays an important role in medical image analysis .

  2. 脑组织图像分割在医学图像分析中具有重要的理论与应用价值。

    Segmentation of brain tissues is very important in medical image analysis .

  3. 基于模糊连接度的FCM分割方法在医学图像分析中的应用

    Application of a new medical image segmentation method based on fuzzy connectedness and FCM

  4. 根据特定的医学图像分析任务的要求,分割的目的是将原始图像划分为一系列有意义的区域或提取图像中感兴趣的区域(RegionofInteresting,ROI)。

    According to different image analysis task , medical image segmentation aims at partition the original image into several meaningful regions or isolating the region of interesting ( ROI ) .

  5. 方法:对82例正常中国人进行双侧股骨近端CT扫描,在CT三维重建后利用医学图像分析软件对股骨近端的解剖形态进行参数测量,并与现有资料进行比较。

    Methods : Bilateral proximal femurs of 82 normal Chinese were scanned by CT and visualized by CT 3D reconstruction . The parameters of proximal femur were measured by medical imaging analysis software and compared with the existing references .

  6. 以医学图像分析软件,作各组大鼠下丘脑室周核生长抑素mRNA、生长抑素免疫反应阳性神经元计数并检测其阳性细胞面积吸光度(A值)反映其基因表达及蛋白表达的水平。

    Medical imaging analysis software was used to assay PeVN SS mRNA , SS immunoreactive neuron counts and absorption ( A value ) of positive cell area that reflects the gene expression and protein expression .

  7. 分割和配准在医学图像分析中有着重要的作用,我们也发展了基于偏微分方程的医学图像分割算法和基于微分同胚Demons算法的医学图像配准算法。

    We developed a segmentation method based on partial differential equation and a registration method based on diffeomorphic demons algorithm for medical images processing .

  8. 医学图像分析和三维重建等都需要对DICOM数据进行准确的序列分析并对各序列中的切片进行正确的排序。

    Accurately analyzing sequences ( or volumes ) of clinical DICOM data and sorting the slices in each volume is a prerequisite for medical image analysis and three-dimensional ( 3D ) reconstruction .

  9. 采用免疫组化和医学图像分析系统相结合的方法,测定各组大鼠胃窦及十二指肠5-HT细胞的数目、面积、平均灰度、细胞内5-HT含量及5-HT受体阳性细胞内5-HT受体的含量。

    The immunohistochemistry and MIPS were used to measure 5HT cell number , square , mean grey level and the contents of 5HT and 5HT receptor in their positive cells in every rat 's gastric antrum and duodenum .

  10. 该算法模块已成功地应用于所开发的CMIAS显微医学图像分析系统中,取得了满意的应用效果。

    The algorithms have been applied successfully to CMIAS medical micro-optical image analysis system and testified to be feasible and effective .

  11. 采用BI-2000医学图像分析系统分析造模后24h和4周各组大鼠梗死心肌组织中基质细胞衍生因子1的表达量。

    The expressed amount of chemotaxis factor stromal cell-derived factor-1 in the tissue of myocardial infarcted area was detected with the BI-2000 biomedical image analysis system at 24 hours and 4 weeks after model establishment .

  12. 基于色彩特征的超声医学图像分析方法

    Analysis method of ultrasonic medical image based on color features

  13. 采用数码医学图像分析系统,测阳性细胞比率。

    Digital medical image analysis system , the ratio test positive cells .

  14. 计算机三维重建在医学图像分析中的应用

    Computer Visualization Applied to the Analysis of Medical Images

  15. 医学图像分析的未来趋势

    Future Trends on Medical Image Analysis

  16. 基于有限元的虚拟人体三维医学图像分析&一种四面体网格剖分算法

    Virtual Human 3-D Medical Images Processing Based on Finite Elements & A Tetrahedron Mesh Generation Method

  17. 目前,活动轮廓模型已经成为医学图像分析的重要工具。

    Currently , the active contour models have become an important tool of the medical image analysis .

  18. 三维心脏建模是医学图像分析领域中正在研究的热点课题。

    Three-dimensional ( 3D ) cardiac modeling is an important area of research in medical imaging analysis .

  19. 针对人体组织器官的三维图像分割是医学图像分析和医疗诊断的重要前提,是医学图像三维可视化的重要研究内容。

    3D segmentation is an important part of computer-based medical applications for diagnosis and analysis of anatomical data .

  20. 它被广泛应用于医学图像分析、计算机视觉和遥感技术。

    It has been widely involved in a lot of applications , such as medical image analysis , computer vision and remote sensing .

  21. 从天气预报到工业产品检测,从小区安保到医学图像分析。

    It is applied successfully into multiple areas : from weather report to product defection detect , from community security to medical image analyze .

  22. 在基于视觉的飞行器导航与制导、遥感卫星灾害监控与环境监测、医学图像分析等应用中,常常需要对不同类型传感器获取的异源图像进行匹配。

    Matching multi-sensor images is an important work for vision based navigation and guidance , remote sensing based environmental monitoring and medical image analysis .

  23. 综述了医学图像分析中的形变模型方法,及其在解决配准、运动跟踪、分割和形状表达这些基本问题中的应用。

    This paper reviews the deformable model in medieal image analysis and its applications in registration , motion tracking , segmenting and shape modeling .

  24. 介绍了医学图像分析系统的基本结构、技术特点及在医学教学、科研中的应用。

    This article described the basic structure , specialty and applications in the medicine teaching and research of Medicine Image Analysis System ( MIAS ) .

  25. 在许多实际应用中具有重要意义,图像配准是医学图像分析、遥感图像处理和目标识别的基本组成部分。

    Image registration technique has been used in many fields , which is basic component of medical image analysis , remote sensing imageprocessing and target recognition .

  26. 图像分割在计算机视觉、图像编码、模式识别、医学图像分析等很多领域有着实际的应用。

    Image segmentation is applied in a lot of fields such as computer vision , image coding , pattern recognition , medical image and so on .

  27. 该软件进一步完善后就可应用于非实时、可后台处理的其它实际应用,例如多模态医学图像分析、多源遥感图像分析等。

    This software system can also be used in non-real-time and background process applications , such as analysis of multi-modal medical image and multi-source remote sensing image .

  28. 它是目标识别、多媒体检索、医学图像分析与辅助诊断、计算机图形学与辅助设计等众多研究领域中的重要研究对象。

    They play a central role in research fields such as object recognition , multimedia search , medical image analysis and computer assisted design & computer graphics .

  29. 细化是在保持图像形态特征的同时生成一条物体骨架线的过程,是医学图像分析中的一个重要步骤。

    Thinning is a process which produces the skeleton of an object while its topological structure is preserved ; it is the important step of medical image analysis .

  30. 这听起来很简单:给工作人员第二次机会去检查图像,你可以在医学图像分析中降低错误率,或者改进机场行李的检查。

    IT SOUNDS straightforward : give staff a second chance to examine images , and you could cut error rates in medical image analysis or improve airport baggage screening .