
  • 网络Static;static analysis;push-over
  1. 源程序用BASIC语言设计,可用于解决平面物体系统的静力分析问题。

    Using the source program designed by BASIC , the static analysis of coplanar body system can be made .

  2. 基于ANSYS的某带中柱钢筋混凝土螺旋楼梯的弹性静力分析

    Elastic Static Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Circular Stairs Based on ANSYS

  3. ANSYS在激光雷达伺服转台静力分析中的应用

    Application of ANSYS program in static load analysis of lidar servo rotate equipment

  4. 其次,利用大型通用有限元分析程序ANSYS对非对称悬索桥进行了非线性静力分析。

    Second , a nonlinear static analysis via the great finite element analysis programs ANSYS was carried out .

  5. 115万kW超大型核电透平机组的静力分析

    Static Analysis of 1150 MW Nuclear Turbine-Generator System

  6. 而且,还采用ANSYS有限元方法对单层钢框架结构及半柱模型进行非线性静力分析,验证了提出的简化模型的正确性。

    Nonlinear static analysis to single-story steel frame structure and semi-column model is analyzed by ANSYS program . Consequently , it is proved that simplified method is correct .

  7. 首先在ANSYS中建立刚架结构的几何模型和有限元模型,通过静力分析,得出结构在承受载荷时出现最大挠度和最大应力的位置。

    First , the geometrical modal and the meshed geometrical modal are built in ANSYS . The result of the structure under load is got by static analysis .

  8. 讨论了用VB开发物体静力分析CAI系统的方法,并描述了这个系统的使用方法。

    Accordingly this article has discussed a way to develop the object static mechanics analysis CAI system by the use of VB and described the way to use the system .

  9. 本文以一幢14层的框支剪力墙结构为研究对象,通过建立三维有限元分析模型,运用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS对结构进行静力分析。

    The papers whose research object is a 14-floor frame-supported shear wall . By establish a 3-dimension finite element model and use the analysis soft-ANSYS , make the study focus on the static analysis .

  10. 本文对某锅炉支架钢结构,运用有限元方法、结构动力学理论和ANSYS有限元分析软件,对其进行了空间结构静力分析及动力特性和整体稳定性分析研究。

    This paper use the finite element method , structural dynamics theory and ANSYS analysis software to analyze the spatial static peculiarity , dynamic response and the whole stability of the boiler steel structure .

  11. 应用ANSYS软件,采用APDL参数化编程语言,实现参数化建模、静力分析以及优化设计。

    This paper develops an optimization design environment of ANSYS software system , which applied APDL-command facilities to achieve structural geometrical model , static analysis and structural design optimization .

  12. 基于备用荷载路径法,采用非线性静力分析、非线性动力分析及竖向增量动力分析方法对设计的带填充墙和不带填充墙的RC框架进行连续倒塌分析。

    Based on alternate load path method , with and without infilled wall RC frame are analyzed with nonlinear static analysis method , nonlinear dynamic analysis method and vertical incremental dynamic analysis method .

  13. 根据定柱式旋臂起重机整体结构特点,建立了面向整机的有限元模型,基于ANSYS软件对该产品进行了静力分析和模态分析。

    In this paper , according to the characteristics of completed structure for slewing jib crane , finite element model of the structure is completed and its static and model based on ANSYS software is analyzed .

  14. 分析数控铣床的静动态特性,在Ansysworkbench中对数控铣床的床身和铣头结构进行静力分析、模态分析及谐响应分析。

    The static and dynamic characteristics of CNC milling machine are analyzed using ANSYS workbench , including static analysis of the machine bed and milling head structure , modal analysis and harmonic analysis .

  15. 对用于滑动轴承油膜压力测量的应变式压力传感器进行了改进设计,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对其进行了分析,包括静力分析和模态分析。

    The strain transducers used to measure oil film pressure of journal bearings were improved . The software of finite element analysis ANSYS was used to analyze the characteristic of the transduces , including static analysis and modal analysis .

  16. 最后,在有限元分析软件ANSYS中建立陶瓷过滤机支撑机架的有限元模型,对其进行静力分析,并利用ANSYS的优化模块对支撑机架进行优化设计。

    Lastly , finite element model of the supporting stand in ceramic filter is built in ANSYS , the finite element analysis software , to conduct static analysis and optimize the design of the supporting stand by ANSYS optimization module .

  17. 以起落架实际使用载荷为基础建立了仿真模型的受载工况及边界条件,并运用Nastran计算软件对其进行有限元静力分析。

    The loading conditions and boundary conditions were built based on the actual loads . Then the Nastran software was used to calculate the strength of the FEM model .

  18. EN-1土壤固化剂改良红砂岩优化路面结构静力分析计算

    Static Analysis Calculation of Improved Red Sandstone by EN-1 Soil Agent to Optimize the Structure of the Road

  19. 另外结合钢屋架结构试验,运用大型有限元软件ANSYS对银川河东机场航站楼进行了整体的静力分析、几何非线性分析,模态分析以及地震反应谱分析。

    The experimental analysis is comprehensively evaluated . Furthermore , a series advanced numerical analysis are performed using ANSYS for the whole steel roof , including the complex model static analysis , geometric nonlinear analysis , modal analysis , seismic spectrum response analysis , et al .

  20. 利用I-DEAS软件建立了底梁及支架的实体模型,基于整体结构设定边界条件,定义约束,进行了有限元静力分析计算。

    Solid model is made for mudsill and bracket using I-DEAS , and finite element static analysis is carried out , on the base of terminal conditions setting for the overall structure and defined restrain .

  21. 现有的反演理论基本上都是以拟静力分析方法为基础,而实际的行车荷载和FWD荷载都是动荷载,因此开展动力模型下的反分析是路面材料性能反演的必然趋势。

    Up to now , most of present back-analysis theories are based on quasi-static analysis method , in fact , the load of FWD is dynamic , so it is necessary to develop dynamic back-analysis .

  22. 本文利用自行开发的复合材料结构应力分析软件(CMSSA)对某型导弹的复合材料弹翼&弹身组合结构进行了静力分析。

    In this paper , the structural static analysis of the combination of the wing and the cabin of a type of air to ground missile was carried out by using the compostie material structural stress analysis software ( CMSSA ) .

  23. 某靠山建筑结构动静力分析

    Dynamic and Static Analysis of a Masonry Structure against Mountain Side

  24. 纤维模型在平面框架非线性静力分析中的应用

    Application of fiber model in static nonlinear analysis for planar frame

  25. 摆式列车摆式机构的动态静力分析

    Dynamic State Static Force Analysis on Tilting Mechanism of Tilting Train

  26. 底部钻具组合三维静力分析的新方法

    A new method for 3D static analysis of bottom hole assembly

  27. 空间结构非线性静力分析的工程应用

    Application of Structural Nonlinear Spatial Static Analysis to an Engineering Project

  28. 对虚拟轴工作台并联机构做了静力分析和动力分析。

    Static and dynamic analyses were made for the virtual-axial worktable .

  29. 多点支撑托管架支撑下的海洋管道铺设中的静力分析

    Static Analysis of Submarine Pipelines on the Point Supported Stingers During

  30. 带梁式转换层的短肢剪力墙结构的弹性静力分析

    The Elastic-static Analysis of Short Pier Shear Wall Structures with Transfer Beams