
yī zhǔ
  • doctor's advice;doctors advice;medical advice
医嘱 [yī zhǔ]
  • [doctors advice] 医生根据病情的需要对病人在饮食、用药、化验等方面的指示和要求

医嘱[yī zhǔ]
  1. 要遵从医嘱。

    Follow your doctor 's advice .

  2. 患者通常都会遵照医嘱行事。

    A patient will usually listen to the doctor 's advice and act on it .

  3. 这种药须遵医嘱方可使用。

    The drug should only be used under medical supervision .

  4. 我不要糖——谨遵医嘱嘛。

    No sugar for me ─ doctor 's orders .

  5. 她不听医嘱擅自出院了。

    She had discharged herself against medical advice .

  6. 未经医嘱不得中断治疗。

    Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor .

  7. 他按照医嘱要食用乳制品。

    He was put on a diet of milky food .

  8. 大部分医生希望病人能听从医嘱。

    Most doctors want their patients to be submissive .

  9. 每次服用大约60毫克,每天最多4次,或遵医嘱。

    Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day , unless advised otherwise by a doctor

  10. 我遵照医嘱,将他关在屋子里直到他戒酒成功。

    I approved the doctor 's order to keep him in the room till he was dried out .

  11. 她遵医嘱停服避孕药。

    She came off the pill on her doctor 's advice .

  12. 她服用了双倍医嘱剂量的发汗剂。

    She took twice the prescribed dose of sudorific .

  13. 如果矫形外科医生告知需要一些特殊配件,比如矫正器或凝胶鞋垫,请遵医嘱。

    If an orthopedist tells you that you need special inserts like orthotics or gel soles , use them .

  14. 利用PASS系统对呼吸科7220条住院医嘱的分析

    Analysis on 7220 doctor 's orders from respiration department by PASS

  15. 利用PASS对临床住院患者用药医嘱的监测分析

    Monitoring Analysis on Medication Orders for Clinical Inpatients by PASS

  16. 利用PASS软件对我院住院患者用药医嘱的合理性分析

    Analysis of inpatient medical orders in our hospital by PASS

  17. 利用PASS系统监测医嘱用药

    Monitoring of Medical Order of Drug Use by PASS

  18. 应用PASS监控分析医嘱的合理用药水平

    Monitoring and analysis of rational drug use on doctor 's orders by PASS

  19. 利用PASS监控我院医嘱合理用药水平的调研与干预研究

    Investigation and intervention study on monitoring medication by using PASS in our hospital

  20. PASS对肾内科住院病人医嘱的回顾性监测分析

    A Retrospective Monitoring of Medical Order of Inpatients in Renal Interal Medicine by PASS

  21. 利用PASS对我院277例结核病住院患者医嘱实施同步监测

    Application of PASS System in Synchronized Monitoring of Medical Orders for Inpatients with Tuberculosis

  22. 我只是谨遵医嘱(justwhatthedoctorordered)。

    Instead , I did just what the doctor ordered .

  23. 采用美康公司合理用药软件系统(PASS)网上监测相关用药医嘱。

    Meantime prescription automatic screening system ( PASS ) was used for monitor relative prescriptions of drugs .

  24. 目的利用PASS监控我院医嘱用药,以提高临床合理用药水平。

    Objective To monitor medical orders by using PASS so as to improve rational use rate of drug .

  25. 结论利用PASS监控医嘱有利于减少药物不良事件,防止用药差错。

    Conclusion Monitoring medication using by PASS can help to reduce drug adverse events and prevent medication errors .

  26. 方法:随机选取肾内科100份住院病历,利用合理用药监测系统(PASS)对5658条用药医嘱进行回顾性监测分析。

    Method : 5658 drug-used order in 100 case history of inpatients in department of nephrology were analyzed by PASS .

  27. 分析我院静脉药物配置中心(PIVAS)的不合理医嘱情况,评估药师在处方审核中的作用。

    To analyze the irrational medical orders of pharmacy intravenous admixture services ( PIVAS ) in our hospital and evaluate the effects of pharmacist on examining prescriptions .

  28. 结果儿童Hp相关性胃炎医嘱的顺从最好为D组,顺从率为73.33%。

    Result The best compliance to physician order is group D. The compliant rate is 73.33 % .

  29. 循证护理对冠心病PCI术患者医嘱依从性及生存质量的影响

    Impact of evidence-based nursing care on medication compliance and quality of life of patients with coronary heart disease after PCI

  30. 结论PASS可以方便快捷地辅助医药工作者审核医嘱,减少药源性疾病发生,促进合理用药。

    CONCLUSION The PASS can be a convenient fastly assistant to medicinal workers and help to avoid the medicine source diseases and may promote rational drug use .