
  1. 医院感染管理科专职人员定期到ICU病房督导检查干预措施的落实情况,发现问题及时调整干预方案,以确保目标性监测的顺利进行。

    To guarantee the objective monitor went well full-time personnel in the Department of Nosocomial Infection Control supervised the implementation of the interventions regularly , found the problems and adjusted interventions in time .

  2. 我院医院感染管理科业务工作数质量考评与管理

    Professional Work of the Department of Hospital Infection Management

  3. 方法医院感染管理科充分利用专家的作用指导医院感染监控小组顺利开展工作;

    METHODS As a department of infection management of the hospital , it must fully utilize the experiences of experts to instruct groups of infection inspection to exert function efficiently in infection management .

  4. 结果医院感染管理科应当根据传染病的流行趋势,做好传染病预防、控制、监测、报告、预警、咨询、指导及监督检查等职能工作;

    RESULTS Department for management of hospital infection should follow the trend of the infectious disease , do well functional work to prevent , control , monitor , report , early warn , consult , guide , supervise , inspect the infectious diseases , etc.

  5. 结果共调查76所医院,85.5%的医院设立了感染管理科,其中30.3%直属于院长领导;

    A-mong 76 hospitals 85 . 5 % have set up department of NI control and management leaded by director or vice-director of hospital .

  6. 医院感染的诊断来自医生在病案中的记录和医院感染管理科的相关监测资料。

    The diagnosis of nosocomial infection based on the medical records from doctors and the monitoring data from the hospital infection control Department .