
  1. 22例患者医院感染发病率为22.7%,医院感染例次发病率为40.9%,日医院感染发病率为43.8‰;

    The nosocomial infection rate was 22.7 % in 22 inpatients .

  2. 医院感染发病率的调查分析与护理对策

    Study on the nosocomial infection rate and its corresponding nursing strategies

  3. 总手术切口医院感染发病率呈下降趋势;

    The total nosocomial infection incidence rates in surgical cuts are decreased .

  4. 系统性红斑狼疮医院感染发病率调查与危险因素分析

    Incidence Survey and Risk Factor Analysis of Nosocomial Infection in SLE Patients

  5. 主动监测医院感染发病率的初步尝试

    A Tentative Attempt on Initiative Monitoring Morbidity of Nosocomial Infection

  6. 医院感染发病率为13.71%,时点患病率为12.42%。

    Incidence of nosocomial infection was 13.71 % , and prevalence 12.42 % .

  7. 结论侵入性操作是医院感染发病率的重要危险因素;

    Conclusions Intrusive operation was the most dangerous factors to hospital infection incidence .

  8. 结果:肿瘤病区医院感染发病率高,医院感染部位以下呼吸道为主,病原菌以念珠菌和革兰氏阴性菌为多,并与患者的机体免疫力、年龄及免疫抑制剂的使用有关。

    Results : The incidence of nosocomial infection in the carcinoma ward is high ;

  9. 医院感染发病率与环境微生物监测的初步研究

    The study between the rate of sick infection in Nosocomial and contamination of microorganism in environment

  10. 结论不同亚人群手术切口医院感染发病率明显不同;

    CONCLUSIONS The nosocomial infection incidence rates in surgical cuts in different sub-population are significantly uncommon .

  11. 医院感染发病率4.27%,其中真菌感染占17.3%;

    Incidence of nosocomial infection was 4 27 % , among them the fungus infection was 17.3 % .

  12. 结论脑出血病人医院感染发病率与医院感染危险因素呈明显的正相关性。

    Conclusion The ratio of infections in hospital is positive relation with erebral hemorrhage , the reasons are ;

  13. 结论神经外科医院感染发病率、例次率明显高于医院其他科室;

    CONCLUSIONS The incidence of nosocomial infection in the department of neurosurgery was significantly higher than that of other departments .

  14. 目的调查某院胸心外科医院感染发病率及相关因素。

    Objective To investigate the incidence and related factors of nosocomial infection in patients in a thoracic and cardiovascular surgical department .

  15. 目的:了解医院感染发病率及其临床流行病学特征,找出控制医院感染的有效措施。

    Objective : To know the incidence and features of clinical epidemic disease so as to look for effective measures to control nosocomial infection .

  16. 结果我院老年患者医院感染发病率为9.7%,感染部位以下呼吸道为主;

    RESULTS The rate of nosocomial infection among geriatrics patients was 9.7 % , and the infectious site was mostly in lower respiratory tract .

  17. 调查和分析结果表明:在443例病人中,发生院内感染者共94例,医院感染发病率为21.22%。

    The result shows : of the 443 patients , there are 94 cases of hospital infection , and the hospital infection morbidity is 21.22 % .

  18. 目的分析并探讨神经外科医院感染发病率、病原菌、危险因素、细菌对药物敏感及预防控制。

    OBJECTIVE To analyze and discuss the incidence , pathogenic bacteria , risk factors , drug sensitivity experiment and prevention and control of nosocomial infection in the department of neurosurgery .

  19. 男性、女性泌尿道医院感染发病率分别为:0.29%、0.31%。1993年至2000年男性、女性泌尿道医院感染发病率呈下降趋势。

    The nosocomial infection incidence in urinary tract in male and female were 0.29 % , and 0.31 % , respectively and there was downward trends with time in both males and females .

  20. 结论通过流行病学调查,有助于我们查找某医院感染发病率升高的原因,加强洗手,可在一定程度上降低医院内菌血症感染的发病率。

    CONCLUSIONS The epidemiological investigation is helpful for us to find out the reason of increasing nosocomial infection rate , and strengthening hand-washing can decrease the nosocomial bacteremia rate to a certain extent .

  21. 结果1.成人急性白血病患者医院感染发病率为59.1%,住院期间患者常发生多次感染,医院感染例次发病率为82.5%。

    The incidence of NI in adults with acute leukemia was 59.1 % ( 386 / 653 ) . During hospitalization patients often had repeated infection and the case-time incidence was 82.5 % . 2 .

  22. 结论1、成人急性白血病患者医院感染发病率高,患者常发生多次和多个部位的感染;病原体感染复杂,多为条件致病菌。

    The NI rate in adults with acute leukemia was high . The patients often had occurred repeated and multiple sites of infection . Pathogen infection was complex , most of which were conditioned pathogen . 2 .

  23. 其相应3个月份前瞻性全面综合性监测医院感染发病率分别为5.47%、7.04%、6.95%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);

    The rate of prospective overall ( monitoring ) method of NI in the related three months was individually 5.47 % , 7.04 % , and 6.95 % and among them without ( statistically ) difference was found ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 结果新生儿医院感染发病率为1.54%,例次感染率为1.62%,感染部位依次为上呼吸道(45.00%)、下呼吸道(43.00%)、脐部(9.00%)和眼部(3.00%)。

    Results Nosocomial infection incidence was 1.54 % , case prevalence incidence was 1.62 % , the main infection sites were upper respiratory tract ( 45.00 % ), lower respiratory tract ( 43.00 % ), umbilica ( 9.00 % ) and eye ( 3.00 % ) .

  25. 综合性教学医院医院感染发病率与相关因素分析

    Nosocomial Infection Rate in General Hospital and Analysis of Correlation Factors

  26. 目的分析造血干细胞移植术后医院感染的发病率和高危因素,探讨其防治策略。

    OBJECTIVE To study the rate and the risk factors of hospital infection after hemopoietic stem cell transplantation and improve treatment strategy .

  27. 方法比较医院感染累积发病率、发病密度和危险因素调整的发病密度的计算原理。

    METHODS To compare the principles and calculation methods of cumulative incidence rate , incidence density , and risk factors adjusted incidence density .

  28. 结论:应加强培训,提高消毒隔离质量,严格无菌技术操作,保护易感人群,降低医院感染的发病率。

    Conclusion : Through performing aseptic manipulation strictly , protecting susceptible population carefully , training medical staff constantly , the infection rate could be lowered .

  29. 肺炎克雷伯杆菌是一种常见的条件致病菌,近年来,引起医院内感染的发病率越来越高,尤其是儿童、老年人和抵抗力低的人群。

    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a kind of usual opportunistic pathogen . For the past few years , its incidence of nosocomial infection is higher and higher , especially to children , aged people and those people who have low resistance .

  30. 分析脑出血术后患者医院内肺部感染的发病率及相关因素,探讨有效的预防对策。

    To analyze the morbidity and the related factors of hospital pulmonary infection of cerebral hemorrhage patients after operations in order to find effective prevention measures .