
  • 网络therapeutic sports
  1. 通过河北大学附属医院提供的医疗运动平台,进行了运动状态下人体的血压、脉搏、心率及血氧饱和度等生理指标数据的采集,利用GUI仿真工具进行了实例仿真。

    Through the moving platform provided by the subsidiary hospital of Hebei University , the data about blood pressure , heart rate , and pulse and oxygen saturation of blood in the moving were collected . These data was used in the GUI to carry out an example .

  2. 查普曼称,个性化医疗运动旨在针对以下问题进行非常个体化的预测:你是否会患某种疾病?这种治疗方法对你是否管用?你还能活多久?

    The personalized medicine movement , said Dr. Chapman , seeks to get a very individualized prediction of , will you get this disease , will this treatment work for you , how long will you live ?

  3. 这种冷言冷语一直是整个反对医疗改革运动的标志。

    And that cynicism has been the hallmark of the whole campaign against reform .

  4. 对其可能导致远洋海员高血压病的诸多诱因进行统计调查,并以此为依据,有针对性地制订相应的医疗、运动防治措施,提出建设性的合理建议,进行积极防治和恢复健康的进一步探索。

    Seafarer on its may cause hypertension ocean many triggers for statistical investigation , and based on this , purposeful formulate the corresponding prevention measures of medical treatment , movement , and puts forward constructive Suggestions on the reasonable , the prevention and recovery actively explore further .

  5. 该系统可以满足实时、连续、长时间监护病人的生理信息,因此可以应用到医疗监护以及运动监测等领域。

    This topic can meet the real-time , continuous , long time patient physiological information monitoring , it can be applied to the medical care and Motion detection fields .

  6. 广泛应用到家用电器、微型电机、电动工具、摩托车、汽车、医疗器械、运动机械、纺织机械及农业机械上。

    They are widely applicable for the electrical home appliance , miniature motor , electric fan , motorcycle , automobile , medical instruments , sports machinery , textile , agricultural machinery .

  7. 随着智能材料和微型计算机技术的发展,智能服装的研制在各个领域得到应用,如军事领域、医疗卫生、运动娱乐、电子电工等方面。

    With the progress of intelligent materials and micro-computer technology , studies of smart textile were applied in various fields , such as military , medical , sports and entertainment , electronics and electric and so on .

  8. 医疗体育作为运动医学的一个组成部分,近年来在世界范围内取得巨大的发展.除了治病,更能起到健身,健美的作用。

    Medico-athletics is a part of sports medicine , it has a great developing in recent years in the world , except it has effect to curing diseases and has a effect of body building and strong and handsome too .

  9. 随着传感器技术的进步,人体运动捕捉技术日益成熟,并在动画制作、保健、医疗诊断、运动分析、机器人控制、真实场景游戏,甚至家庭娱乐等领域中得到成功的应用。

    The technology of human motion capture takes its advancements along with the development of modern sensor . It has been applied in the areas of vivid animation , health care , clinic diagnosis , motion analysis , robot control , real-scene game , even family entertainment .

  10. 这是一场要求全面降低医疗费用的全球性运动。

    There is a new global movement demanding affordable health care for all .

  11. 浅析医疗体育方法及运动处方

    Simple analysis of medical PE methods and athletic prescription

  12. 在图像通信和医疗成像领域里运动补偿已经引起极大的关注。

    Motion compensation has received increasing attention recently in the areas of video communication and medical imaging .

  13. 现代康复医疗理论中,运动想象结合运动再学习疗法对脑卒中患者取得了很好的疗效。

    In modern rehabilitation medical theory , motor imagery combined with exercise therapy on stroke patients relearning achieved good results .

  14. 无损伤抗运动病药物性能检测设备是航天医学中一种必不可少的医疗仪器,对抗运动病药物药效分析有着十分重要的意义。

    The device for undamage detecting the effects of anti-motion sickness drug is a necessary medical instrument in spaceflight , which is very important to analyze the influence of anti-motion sickness drug .

  15. 传统民众的医疗卫生实践与传统乡村社会的社会结构及人情网络关系是一个有机镶嵌的整体,集体化时期国家通过广泛的社会动员将广大民众组织起来参与到医疗卫生社会运动当中。

    Traditional public health practices , traditional social structure of rural society and the relationships are organic . During collectivization period , the nation organized the mass people to participate in health care social movements through a wide range of social mobilization .