
sǐ wánɡ jì lù
  • obituary
  1. 死亡记录的情形也不大好。

    The situation is no better for death records .

  2. 没有他的死亡记录

    There 's no record that he ever died .

  3. 没有查到他的死亡记录。

    No register of his death was found .

  4. 通过后继问卷调查,社会保障行政死亡记录及国家癌症登记得出结果。

    Outcomes were followed using subsequent questionnaires , Social Security Administration death records , and state cancer registries .

  5. 新闻媒介把焦点集中于该省的死亡记录,这就使得北爱尔兰的其它统计数字不那么引人注目了。

    Media focus on the Province 's death tally has tended to overshadow other statistics of Northern Ireland .

  6. 出生和死亡记录帮助政府计算人口;获得人们的寿命信息并且知道他们的死亡原因。

    Birth and death records help government count populations and knows how long people live and what they die from .

  7. 目的提高病案死亡记录书写质量,维护医护人员自身合法权益。

    Objective To improve the quality of the records of the death so as to protect the legal right of medical practitioners .

  8. 按照联合国的统计,单次时间中最高死亡记录是去年发生在阿富汗西部Azizabad村的袭击事件,当时有90个平民死亡。

    The U.N. 's highest estimated tally from a single incident has been 90 civilians killed in Azizabad village in western Afghanistan last year .

  9. 通过查看执照文档和死亡记录,《星论坛报》发现,自2002年起,有85次儿童死亡事故,其中82起发生在家庭托儿所中,而不是托儿中心中。

    Reviewing licensing documents and death records , the Star Tribune found that 82 of 85 deaths in licensed child care since 2002 have taken place in homes , not centers .

  10. 都市的出生、结婚及死亡的记录

    A municipal register of Births , marriages , and deaths

  11. 以有两粒因吃肉豆蔻而导致死亡的记录(一个在1908年,另一个在2001年)。

    There have been two recorded cases of death by nutmeg ( one in1908 and one in2001 ) .

  12. 中国人在家谱里记录族人的出生和死亡,记录的时间跨度可达数个世纪。

    Chinese families record their births and deaths in the jia pu , or ancestral book , which can stretch across centuries .

  13. 方法根据县妇幼保健站1978年至1997年20年县、乡医院上报的孕产妇死亡原始记录,对死亡原因及死亡率进行回顾性分析。

    Methods To analyze retrospectively the mortality and the death causes based on the primitive death records of pregnant and puerperal women in urban and rural hospitals from 1978 to 1997 . Results The mortality was 35.08 / 100,000 ;

  14. 她想要检查关于克利奥帕特拉死亡的原始记录。

    She wants to examine the original records of cleopatra 's death .

  15. 观察小鼠健康和死亡情况,记录体重。

    The condition of mice about health and death was observed and the weight of mice was recorded every day .

  16. 从特斯拉老板埃隆•马斯克(ElonMusk)所采取的纯理性的角度看,自动驾驶行驶超过1.3亿英里以来才发生一例车祸死亡,在安全记录上优于美国道路交通的平均致命事故率。

    From the purely rationalistic position taken by Tesla boss Elon Musk , one death after the 130m miles of autonomous driving his vehicles have clocked up is better than the average fatality rate on US roads .

  17. 死亡病案中护理记录潜在的法律问题与对策

    The Potential Legislate Problems in the Nursing Records of the Deaths and the Countermeasures

  18. 2007年,他回顾了1918-1919年间流感死亡病例的尸检记录,确定了两种导致受感染宿主死亡的重叠综合征。

    In 2007 he reviewed autopsy records for influenza casualties in the 1918-1919 period and identified two overlapping syndromes which caused the death of the infected hosts .

  19. 研究人员交叉参考了另一个注册机构死亡注册原因的记录,所以他们能对这组前列腺癌病人计算出死亡的人数和对抗的死因。

    The researchers cross-referenced the records to another register , the Cause of Death Register , so they could calculate numbers of deaths from prostate cancer in the cohort and competing causes .

  20. 在短短一个月内,流感已经蔓延到了斯里兰卡和北部省份,造成约1400万至1800万人死亡,是有记录的单个国家中死亡人数最高的。

    In just a month , the flu had spread to Sri Lanka and to the Northern provinces , reaping an estimated 14 to 18 Million lives , the highest death toll recorded in a single country .