
sǐ chǎn
  • stillbirth;dead-birth
死产 [sǐ chǎn]
  • [stillbirth] 死胎的分娩

死产[sǐ chǎn]
  1. 感染UU、CT的孕妇其新生儿具有一定的感染率,并因此导致新生儿发热及新生儿肺炎的发病率明显增加,同时与死产有关。

    Pregnant women and infants infected by UU and CT have definite infection rates and reduce the apparent increase of incidence of neonate fever and neonate pneumonia simultaneously , and relation with stillbirth .

  2. 不同孕周的新生儿在死产、围产儿死亡、胎儿及新生儿体重、胎儿生长受限、新生儿窒息、新生儿肺透明膜样变、新生儿感染、新生儿颅内出血方面比较有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Different gestational age of newborns had significant differences in stillbirth 、 perinatal death 、 Weigh 、 asphyxia 、、 fetal growth restriction 、 neonatal hyaline membrane degeneration 、 infection 、 intracranial hemorrhage areas ( P0.05 ) .

  3. H基因对经产死产数的加性效应为0.06头/胎。

    The additive effect of allelic H is 0.06 for SBN .

  4. 死产、孕产妇死亡率下降100%,P>0.05。

    And 100 % in dead birth and maternal mortality ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  5. 三种基因在五种组织中的DNA甲基化水平和mRNA表达量的异常程度在死产组中总体高于活产组。

    Abnormal mRNA expression and DNA methylation levels of three genes in five tissues were more severe in stillborn group than in liveborn ones .

  6. 应用死亡相关情况分类法(ReCoDe)对死产分类的人群队列研究

    Classification of stillbirth by relevant condition at death ( ReCoDe ): Population based cohort study

  7. 精子DNA完整性异常,会影响受精和胚胎发育,最终导致不孕不育、流产、死产、子代智力低下和染色体疾病。

    The DNA integrity of sperm is essential for fertilization , as well as for the normal development of the blastocyst , embryo and child . There is increasing evidence that sperm DNA anomalies may lead to infertility , abortion , stillbirth , fathead and chromosomal diseases .

  8. 猪细小病毒(Porcineparvovirus,PPV)是引起猪繁殖障碍综合症的主要病原,可引起死产、木乃伊胎、胚胎的早期死亡及不孕不育等。

    Porcine parvovirus ( PPV ) is the major causative virus in a syndrome of reproductive failure in swine , which includes stillbirths , mummified fetuses , early embryonic death , and infertility .

  9. 羊水粪染组的死产率、低体重儿比例和新生儿在出生4h后转入儿科病房比例均高于正常羊水组(P<0.001)。

    The percentage of stillbirth , low birth weight and transferred newborn care unit in meconium stained amniotic fluid group were higher than that in normal amniotic fluid group ( P < 0.001 ) .

  10. 各组死产、新生儿死亡、1年内婴儿死亡、母亲死亡、早产、低体重儿、出生缺陷、母婴不良反应发生率相似(P0.05)。

    There was no difference among the different courses of ZDV in the incidence of stillbirth , neonatal mortality , infant mortality within 1 year , maternal mortality , premature delivery , low birth weight , birth defects , and adverse reactions in mothers or children ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)是危害养猪业的一种高度传染性疾病,在临床上以母猪流产、死产等繁殖障碍,以及仔猪呼吸道症状和高死亡率为特征。

    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome ( PRRS ) is an infectious disease with highly infectivity in pig . It has the clinic characters with reproductive disturbance , such as abortion and stillbirth in sows , and respiratory tract symptom and highly mortality in piglet .

  12. 通过对患有闭经、自发流产、死胎、死产等患者外周血淋巴细胞染色体检查,发现16种新的罕见人类染色体异常核型,它们是46,XX,t(6;11)(q25;p15);

    By examining the lymphocytic chromosomes of peripheral blood from patients with amenorrhea , spontaneous abortion and stillbirth history , the 16 rare species of human chromosomal abnormal karyotypes were discovered . They were 46 , XX , t ( 6 ; 11 )( q25 ; p15 );

  13. 它同时还能使怀孕妇女出现流产或死产的情况。

    It also can cause miscarriages and stillbirths in pregnant women .

  14. 墨西哥的死产率也在同期下降了一半。

    Mexico has halved its rate of stillbirths in that time .

  15. 虽然死产数量巨大,但它却基本上一直处于被忽视的状态。

    Despite the large numbers , stillbirths have been relatively overlooked .

  16. 广为人知的妇女和婴儿干预措施也可减少死产

    Well-known interventions for women and babies would save stillbirths too

  17. 生命登记系统必须得到改善,以使死产全部被统计在内。

    Vital registration systems must be improved so that all stillbirths are counted .

  18. 死产及初生婴儿胸腺的病理形态改变

    Pathological study of thymus from the stillbirth and newborn

  19. 橡胶女工自然流产、死产的调查

    Studies of Abortions , Stillbirths among Rubber Female Workers

  20. 死胎、死产的主要原因是缺氧综合征、胎儿畸形。

    Main reasons of fetal death and stillbirth were hypoxic syndrome , fetal malformation .

  21. 以调查点2001年1月1日-2002年1月1日出生的婴儿为调查对象(包括死产、活产)。

    Infants born and stillborn in the year of 2001 and 2002 were investigated .

  22. 数月以来,她在慢慢从死产的情感痛苦中恢复过来。

    For months she had been recovering from the emotional pain of a stillbirth .

  23. 大部分未能解释的死产都发生于低风险妊娠。

    Most unexplained stillbirths occur inapparently low-risk pregnancies .

  24. 此处打开颅骨来自一个7-9月的死产胎儿,以显示积水性无脑畸形。

    The skull is opened in this third trimester stillborn fetus to reveal hydranencephaly .

  25. 双胞胎早日分娩可减少死产风险

    Early Twin Delivery May Reduce Stillbirth Risk

  26. 常具有显著的临床表现,大多数患儿死产或于产后早期死亡。

    HI often has typical clinical manifestations and is fatal in most of affected newborns .

  27. 梅毒可引起自发流产,死产,不可逆转的先天性缺陷,及围产期死亡。

    Syphilis can cause spontaneous abortion , stillbirth , irreversible congenital defects , and perinatal death .

  28. 围产儿死亡率为26.07‰,其中死胎、死产、新生儿死亡分别为71.79%、5.12%、23.08%。

    Perinatal fatality was 26.07 % , stillbirth 5.12 % , newborn baby death 23.08 % .

  29. 大Y染色体(Yqh~+)与自发流产或死胎死产的关系

    Relationship between large Y chromosome ( yqh ~ + ) and spontaneous abortion or fetal deaths

  30. 所有死产中,有近半数即120万发生在分娩过程中。

    Almost half of all stillbirths , 1.2 million , happen when the woman is in labour .