
sǐ gǔ
  • Dead bone;sequestrum
死骨[sǐ gǔ]
  1. CT表现为骨质破坏伴骨硬化缘环绕、死骨,冷脓肿形成及脓肿壁钙化。

    CT findings were as follows : destruction of bone and surrounding osteosclerosis , sequestrum , formation of cold abscess and calcification of the wall ;

  2. 金黄色葡萄球菌在死骨表面的生物膜形成能力比钛板强。

    Biofilm-forming ability of Staphylococcus aureus on the surface of sequestrum is higher than that of titanium alloy disc .

  3. 对此68例临床症状不典型的患者,用对比分析平片、多层CT二种检查方法对骨质破坏、骨质硬化、骨膜反应、骨髓腔受累、死骨等征象的显示进行比较。

    The demonstrating extent of bone destruction , osteosclerosis , periosteal reaction , involving of marrow lumen and sequestrum were compared among plain film and multi-slice CT .

  4. 结果:68例脊椎结核的CT表现特征为骨质破坏,死骨形成,椎旁脓肿,椎间隙狭窄,脊柱成角畸型。

    Results : The characteristic manifestations of vertebral tuberculosis were destruction of bone , sequestration , paravertebral abscess narrowing of intervertebral space and angulation deformity of the vertebral column .

  5. CTⅣ级SIJ炎的病理改变则以软骨下骨板破坏,大量死骨形成,钙盐沉着为主要特点。

    In the advanced sacroiliitis ( CT ⅳ degree ), destruction and calcification of cartilage and subchondral bony plate were the major feature .

  6. 浙江大学硕1:学位论文·摘要中文摘要A组和2例B组患者术后1上周内伤口部分裂开,有少量骨组织外露,去除表面死骨后伤口愈合良好;

    In three patients in group A and two in group B , partial wounds dehiscence occurred within 1-2 weeks after operation with a bit of bone tissues exposed , and after the removal of the sequestra on the surface , the wounds healed well ;

  7. 胫骨死骨长度8~22cm,平均12cm。细菌培养试验均显示阳性。

    The length of bone defect was from 8 cm to 22 cm ( mean 12 cm ), and the germiculture results of all cases were positive .

  8. 第8周,植骨块内新生骨小梁周围有明显成骨活动,植骨区内仍可见少量死骨。

    A little dead bone still can be seen at 8 weeks .

  9. 死骨刮治术与颌骨切除术治疗下颌骨放射性骨坏死的比较

    A Comparative Study of Surgical Treatment of Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis

  10. 保留死骨皮瓣转移覆盖治疗骨烧伤

    The management of bony burn with skin flap transplant with preservation of sequestrum

  11. 溶骨性骨破坏、破坏区边缘硬化以及死骨形成是其共同的X线特点。

    The osteolytic distruction , marginal sclerosis , and sequestra were the common radiological characteristic .

  12. 一期用死骨原位移植治疗股骨感染性缺损性假关节

    Sequestrum Transplant fo Femur Infectious Defect Pseudoarthrosis

  13. 中西医结合治疗死骨形成的慢性骨髓炎

    Treatment on Chronic Osteomyelitis Complicated by Sequestrums with Therapy of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine

  14. 第4周,植人骨周围被骨性骨痴包绕,未见有死骨形成。

    The grafted bone was covered by osteal callus without dead bone formed at 4 weeks .

  15. 2溶骨性骨破坏,死骨少见,足骨间关节及多骨受累,溶骨破坏较骨修复占优势。

    Osteolytic destruction and more dominant than osteogenesis , rase sequestrum ; 3.multiple foot bone and joint involved .

  16. 病理切片可见股骨头关节软骨表层有缺损、骨化线紊乱、骨小梁变细,出现死骨。

    The defects of cartilage , disorders of ossification and dead bone were observed in the femoral head joint .

  17. 6~12个月后影像学检查发现死骨有所吸收,有新生肉芽组织形成。

    Imaging studies demonstrated that necrotic bones were slightly absorbed and new granulation tissues grew 6 to 12 months later .

  18. 髋关节结核关节面广泛骨质破坏,可见到小死骨和寒性脓疡;

    Tuberculosis of the hip joint showed widely destruction in the articular surface , small dead bone and cold abscess visible ;

  19. 12周,笼壁与椎体之间界线消失,大部分的骨陷窝中有骨细胞,新骨与死骨交织,成骨活动仍在进行,爬行替代尚未结束。

    At the 12th week after surgery , the cage was covered by new bone and the replacement of creeping substitution was not over .

  20. 骨腔刮治物大多见死骨,炎症细胞,仅2例见少量神经末梢。

    Sequestra and inflammation cell were found in the contents of bone cavity . Only 2 case of a little amount of nerve ends .

  21. 时久,骨碎屑显示死骨的形态改变,最终骨碎屑被包裹,位于囊肿内;

    Later , the bone debris showed morphologic changes of " died bone ", finally , bone debris were often encapsulated and located in cysts ;

  22. 晚期放射并发症,鼻腔死骨形成1例,软硬腭骨穿孔4例。

    The late radiation sequelae occured in 4 cases , 1 radiation necrosis of the bone in nasal cavity and 3 radiation perforations in hard and soft palate .

  23. 方法16例胫骨慢性骨髓炎并大段死骨清除后,作吻合血管腓骨移植Ⅰ期重建;2例作炎性骨段切除,采用带血管蒂腓骨移位Ⅰ期修复。

    Methods Eighteen patients with tibial defects , including 16 of chronic osteomyelitis with large sequestrum and 2 cases of bone debridement underwent one stage fibular pedicle graft .

  24. 弥漫型5耳中,1耳行有限度的死骨刮除术,创面完全上皮化而治愈;

    As for the 5 ears of diffuse type , 1 ear received the minimally surgical debridement and another 3 ears treated with mastoidectomy and obliteration were healed .

  25. 离体120分钟的游离骨块植入体内后4~8周为死骨块,其中未见成活骨细胞,部分骨块中见到破骨细胞。

    But the non-vascularized free bone graft of off-body 120 minutes was dead , and no survival osteocytes were observed , some osteoclasts were seen in the bone graft .

  26. 方法对73例骨不连、骨外露、骨缺损者,切除瘢痕病灶或进行创面扩创,祛除死骨及硬化骨折端,打通骨髓腔。

    Methods The 73 cases with bone nonunion , bone defect and bone reveal were treated with scar resection or wound liquidation to clear dead bone and perforate marrow antrum .

  27. 目的探讨骨烧伤后保留死骨的治疗方法,以求提高骨烧伤治疗质量,缩短病程,减少并发症。

    Objective To study the management of bony burn , so as to improve the quality of bony burn treatment , to decrease the complications and to shorten the course .

  28. 结论:1.本实验所建立的钛板和死骨表面的金黄色葡萄球菌的生物膜模型可用于研究同种细菌在不同异物表面的生物膜形成能力。

    The model established in this experiment can be used to study biofilm-forming ability of the same species of bacteria on surfaces of various foreign bodies in this experiment . 2 .

  29. 其中4例见斑点状死骨,3例合并关节半脱位,5例伴软组织脓肿形成,8例臀肌不同程度萎缩,3例合并肺结核。

    Speckled sequestra were seen in 4 , subluxation of joint in 3 , cold abscess in soft tissue in 5 , atrophied gluteal muscles in 8 and pulmonary tuberculosis in 3 cases .

  30. 骶髂关节结核常单侧发病,多位于关节中下部,关节面模糊,骨质破坏及死骨形成,关节间隙增宽,常伴冷脓肿和窦道形成;

    The lesion usually developed in the middle and lower part of the joint and manifested itself as blurred articular surface , bone destruction , sequester , widened joint space , cold abscess and sinus .