
  1. 通过这些建议完善死缓限制减刑制度。

    Through these Suggestions to perfect the limit commutation of stay of execution system .

  2. 本文肯定死缓限制减刑制度的出现是我国刑事立法上的一个进步,分析死缓限制减刑制度产生的原因和其立法现状及在司法实践中的具体运用。

    This paper confirms that the limit commutation of stay of execution system is a progress , in which analysis the reason why the system comes out and its legislation present situation and its specific application in the judicial practice .

  3. 死缓限制减刑制度刚刚起步,所以存在着不少的问题,比如说适用面窄,只针对少数严重暴力性犯罪,而对其他死刑罪名和呼声很高的贪污受贿罪等并没有涉及。

    The system is just in the beginning , so it has many problems , such as applicable narrow , only to few serious violent crimes , and other charges to the death penalty and the much-fancied such as taking bribery and corruption is not involved .