
  • 网络immediate execution
  1. 死缓制度作为我国独创的死刑执行制度,其限制死刑立即执行的积极意义是十分明显的,但刑法第五十条对死缓犯的变更规定仍有明显的不足,需要进一步完善。

    Postponing capital punishment system as the unique death penalty execution method in China , its positive effects of restricting the death penalty with immediate execution is obvious , But according to article 50 of Criminal law , it still has the obvious shortage , needing to be further perfect .

  2. 针对我国死刑执行监督存在的问题,从死刑立即执行监督和死刑缓期两年执行监督两个角度提出了相应的完善措施。

    In view of the death penalty , the problems of oversight , from the death sentence with immediate execution and death sentence suspended for two years monitoring the implementation of monitoring both the angle of a corresponding improvement measures .

  3. 复核死刑立即执行案件不规定具体期限,复核死刑缓期执行案件规定具体期限;

    While for reviewing death penalty suspended execution , the specific time limit should be stipulated ;

  4. 死缓制度人道与否,不能仅仅通过与死刑立即执行制度对比从而得出肯定的结论,也不能因为其手段严厉而轻易予以否定。

    The answer is not line in contrasting with immediate implementation of death sentence , and has nothing to do with its severity .

  5. 一审被以以危险方法危害公共安全罪判处死刑立即执行,经媒体报道后引发了一场关于法律的热议。

    First instance was to dangerous means to sentenced to death executed immediately reported by the media led to a heated debate on the law .

  6. 我国死缓制度应在自身整合完善的基础上,逐步扩张,限制死刑立即执行的适用,进而使死缓成为一个独立刑种,最终达到我国完全废除死刑的目的。

    The system of the death sentence with a reprieve should distend gradually on the basis of coordinating and district the execute promptly on capital punishment , then make it an independent penalty , at last , the capital punishment should be abated completely in our country .

  7. 然后笔者对裁判文书中法官阐述的死缓理由进行统计,分别分析了各种法定从轻处罚情节、酌定从轻处罚情节、座谈会纪要排除死刑立即执行的情节在死缓裁量过程中的地位与作用。

    Based on the statistics of specific reasons explained by judge , legal lighter punishment plot , discretionary lighter punishment plot , plot excluding death penalty in minutes of talks are analyzed separately to decide their status and role in judgment of death with a suspension execution .

  8. 他们判他死刑,立即执行。

    They sentenced him to instant death .

  9. 在此基础上,提出了有针对性的建议,主要包括将死缓作为所有死刑执行的必经程序、进一步严格规定死缓变更为死刑立即执行的条件、完善相关配套制度。

    And it put forward with some recommendations , including taking reprieve as necessary procedure of the implementation of all the death penalties , further strictly stipulating the conditions for the change from reprieve to the immediate implementation of death penalty , and improving relevant systems .

  10. 当前,它在死刑的司法控制层而发挥了举足轻重、至关重要的作用,俨然已经成为适用生刑还是死刑、适用死缓还是死刑立即执行的调节器。

    Nowadays , this policy has played an important role in judicial control of death penalty , being suitable with death penalty , reprieve , or other penalty .