
  • 网络the executioner
  1. 在大不里士没人敢轻视行刑者。

    No man in Tabriz trifled with the executioner .

  2. 行刑者迅速将该犯处决了。

    The executioner quickly dispatched the condemned man .

  3. 圣人在殉道前,行刑者曾问他是否想活着,与家人一起。

    Before his death he was asked by the executioner whether he wanted to live and to be with family .

  4. 当行刑者举起剑正要劈向阿布巴克尔时,受害者的父亲突然站起来宣布:“为了让真主安拉感到高兴,我原谅他。”

    As the executioner raised his sword , Saud 's father stood up suddenly and declared : " I have pardoned him , seeking the pleasure of Allah . "