
  • 网络administrative expenses;administrative appropriation
  1. 行政复议活动所需的经费,应当列入本局的行政经费,予以保障。

    The necessary expenses for the administrative reconsideration activities shall be included in the administrative expenses of ciq-sa .

  2. 深化政府机构改革,压缩行政经费开支,制止奢侈浪费;

    Deepening the reform of governmental organization ;

  3. 行政经费合理增长问题研究

    Studying Rational Growth of Administrative Expenditures

  4. 号文件内决议草案所涉行政和经费问题

    Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document

  5. 行政干预、经费短缺是目前农业推广体制中最突出的问题之一。

    Administrative interfering and shortage of expense is one of the prominent problems in present agricultural extension system .

  6. 浅析行政事业单位工会经费计拨不足的原因及对策

    Discussing the Reasons and Measures of Fund Insufficiency for Labor Union in Administrative Institution

  7. 税款主要用于地方行政建设、教育经费、军费、公益性事业或其他事项。

    The tax is mainly used for local administration construction , education , military , public welfare or other matters .

  8. 着重分析双重领导体制和纪检监察合署办公体制下带来的一系列问题,如行政监察机关的经费问题,政府干预行政监察工作过度,上级监察机关的领导不足。

    Focuses on the analysis of dual leadership system and the discipline inspection and supervision office closing office system brings a series of problems , as the financial problem , excessive government intervention , the deficiency in superior supervisory organs leadership .