
  • 网络Income mechanism
  1. 将收费改为税收,它是一种整顿“预算外资金”、规范政府收入机制的有效措施。

    In all , we convert fare to tax revenue , which is a good measure to renovate " Ex-budget Fund " and to strengthen government income mechanism .

  2. 该文从潮州市的经济实力和地方财政状况出发,从收入机制、支出范畴、公共预算和财政监督等四方面入手,探索构建潮州市公共财政的新路子。

    This article begins with the economic strength of Chaozhou City and the conditions of the local finance , searching the new ways of building public finance in Chaozhou City in four aspects of income mechanism , expenditure category , public budget and finance supervision .

  3. 而规范的政府收入机制在此框架中具有重要的地位和作用。

    A standardized government revenue mechanism plays an important role in this framework .

  4. 三是深化财政税制改革和经济体制改革,建立规范的政府收入机制。

    The third is deepening financial tax system reform and economic system reform , and establishing standard government income system .

  5. 另外,进一步深化税费改革,完善现行税制,以强化初步形成的财政收入机制。

    Moreover , we can improve the fiscal revenue mechanism by deepening the fee-tax reform further and completing the tax system .

  6. 产生这些现象的原因有四点:一是政府收入机制不规范;

    The following reasons have been found for these present problems : the first is the non-standard of government income system ;

  7. 为此我们需要对行政性收费的政府监管问题进行研究,为在我国构建规范化的政府收入机制创造良好的社会基础和理论指导。

    To this end we need the government to administrative charges monitoring study for the standardization of government revenue in the country a mechanism to create a good social foundation and guidance .

  8. 本文试图从财政收入机制、财政支出效率、财政政策操作三个角度来分析形成我国财政风险的深层次原因,并提出了防范财政风险的政策、制度建议。

    The paper , from the viewpoints of fiscal revenue structure , fiscal expenditure efficiency and fiscal policy , attempts to go deep into the fiscal risk in China , and puts forward policy and structural proposals of fiscal risk prevention .

  9. 为了建立持续稳定增长的税收收入机制,进一步明确税收与经济的关系,研究税收结构以及税收增长的内在规律,对构建保证经济持续稳定增长,宏观税负合理的和谐税收意义重大。

    In order to establish a sustained and steady growth in tax revenue mechanism , it is necessary to further clarify the relationship between taxation as well as economic and to research the structure of tax and the internal law of the growth in tax revenue .

  10. 外卖平台要建立以工作任务、劳动强度相匹配的收入分配机制,劳动者的劳动报酬不低于当地最低工资标准。

    Food delivery platforms must establish an income distribution system based on orders the delivery workers take and the intensity of their work . The food delivery workers ' income should not be less than the locality 's lowest wage standard .

  11. 分位数回归与M-M分解显示:两个阶段,收入决定机制是导致居民收入分布向右偏移的主要原因;

    Through quantile regression and M-M decomposition , we find that revenue decision mechanism is a main reason to force income distribution curve towards the right .

  12. 欧洲足球联赛没有NFL那样的收入共享机制,大多数收入都被几家顶级俱乐部据为己有。它们还会买下所有的球星,其他球队在人才和收入方面只有喝口汤的份儿。

    Without an NFL-style shared revenue system , most of the money flows to a few top teams , who buy all the star players and leave everyone else with the talent and revenue crumbs .

  13. 经济全球化对国际分工与要素收入分配机制的影响

    Globalization of Intellectual Economy and Its Influence on Income Allotment Mechanism

  14. 析我国高等教育收入分配机制

    An Analysis of Income Distribution System in China 's Higher Education

  15. 人力资本影响农民收入增长机制探讨及验证

    The effect of human capital on peasant income : principles and mechanisms

  16. 改革医院职工收入分配机制的探讨

    Exploration on the reform of income allocation system for hospital 's staffs

  17. 理顺收入分配机制促进国民经济发展

    Straighten up the Income Distribution System to Promote the National Economic Development

  18. 薪酬体系是基于企业的发展战略而建立的员工收入分配机制。

    Compensation system is based on the enterprise development strategy .

  19. 经营者收入分配机制创新论

    A New Outlook of the Manager 's Income Distribution Mechanism

  20. 论我国个人所得税的调节收入分配机制

    The Adjustment Role of Income Tax in Income Distribution System

  21. 完善构建和谐社会的收入分配机制

    Perfection of Income Distribution Mechanism to Build Harmonious Society

  22. 科学有效的收入组织机制。

    A scientific and effective mechanism for collecting revenue .

  23. 如何构建适应新形势的非税收入征管机制

    Constructing the Collection Mechanism of the Revenue Beyond Taxation at the New Age

  24. 服务业跨国公司内部的公平收入分配机制研究

    The Research on the Mechanism of the Fair Income Distribution in Service MNCs

  25. 应引导建立合理的人力资本投资与回报的收入激励机制;

    We should guide to establish reasonable income encouraging mechanism for manpower capital investment and repaying .

  26. 非均衡的发展战略使得我国城乡收入分配机制发生了根本性的变化;

    Non-balanced development strategy has enabled urban and rural income distribution mechanism to have a fundamental change .

  27. 构建以市场为基础、政府为主导的收入分配机制&对收入分配与经济增长关系的思考

    Building the Government-led Income Distribution Mechanism Based on the Market & Thinking about the Relationship between Income Distribution and Economic Growth

  28. 而采取基于价格的收入监管机制,在考虑了企业的努力程度时,低效率企业的努力程度将受到向下的扭曲,同时高效率企业获得信息租金。

    Income supervision based on prices will distort the effort degree of low-efficient firms , while information rents are obtained by high-efficient firms .

  29. 分析还表明,在基于价格的收入监管机制下,价格机制的选取和激励问题可以分开考虑。

    The analysis also shows that we can separate the price mechanism choice and incentives when the income supervision based on prices is used .

  30. 文章通过基于调查数据的实证分析,向人力资本理论的相关论断:人力资本收入递增机制及劳动力市场的完全竞争性,提出了有力的挑战,有益于传统人力资本理论的修正和完善。

    That challenges the theory of human capital , and it is beneficial to the modification and perfection of the theory of human capital .